nutralife keto reviews

nutralife keto reviews

As far as NutraLife Keto is concerned, it does not contain any synthetic substances or stimulants.

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NutraLife Keto is a fat-burning supplement that provides ketones to keep you in a fat-burning state & speed up your metabolism for more fat loss. Is It Safe? Read In-Depth NutraLife Keto Reviews here.

About NutraLife Keto

NutraLife Keto is an all-natural weight loss supplement that is made for people who are following a ketogenic diet. It provides additional ketones to keep you in the fat-burning state of ketosis, and it also speeds up the metabolism for additional fat loss.

This is a healthy product that provides your body with extra energy so you can be more active. NutraLife Keto should lead to rapid weight loss.

NutraLife Keto Reviews

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A few days ago, during one of those online searches, you bumped into this particular keto product called Nutra Life Keto. Everything you read about it had you feeling a little bit excited. You are now thinking of giving it a real shot, but before you do that, you just want to find more information about it. Well, you are in the right place. I’ m going to tell you what need to know about it.

Nutra Life Keto Results

Truth just be told; if you are buying this product with one hope of losing weight, you are going to be really disappointed. This product is not going to guarantee you any positive results.

Where to buy Nutra Life Keto?

This product is limited to online only. You won’t find it being sold in stores, and that can make it inaccessible to most people, especially those who are not connected to the internet.

Is Nutra Life Keto a scam?

This product is not something you should trust. From the manufacturer to the kind of explanation given, that alone raises a lot of questions. As if that is not even enough; the kinds of claims given seem faked. They are just meant to lure us into buying this product.

Nutra Life Keto Side effects

Your health is paramount and you must take good care of; another reason why you need to shun away from this product. It makes the body totally unstable and that could lead to a number of side effects ranging from insomnia, headaches and also abnormal heart rate.


There is no lying about it. This product is not something you can trust and depend on during your weight loss journey. Despite all that marketing, this product is not going to help you in any way. Instead I suggest you just look for a much better option.

If you experience any of these side effects, you should reduce your intake from two capsules per day to just one. Also, do not use this product late at night. Side effects usually disappear after 1-2 weeks of continual use.

Nutra Life Keto

Nutralife bottle

What are the Ingredients?

Unlike so many other weight loss supplements, Nutra Life Keto is not packed with lots of different and often ineffectual ingredients. Instead, it contains just two active compounds – BHB ketones and caffeine. Both of these substances are proven to be beneficial on keto.

Each capsule contains 400 mg of the active ingredients, plus a sprinkling of inactive substances like magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. However, it is unclear how much of each ingredient is in each capsule.

Nutra Life Keto is made using a proprietary blend, which means the ingredients are listed, but the exact quantities and ratios are not. That’s a shame because it’s often useful to know how much of certain ingredients you are taking. This is especially true for caffeine as some people are susceptible to its effects and prefer to keep their intake low. Nutra Life Keto might contain a little caffeine, or it might contain a lot. We just cannot say!

Each 400 mg capsule contains undefined amounts of:

  • Magnesium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Calcium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Sodium Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
  • Caffeine anhydrous (50% extract)

The three types of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) are ketone salts. Why three? Because each one dissolves and digests at slightly different speeds to provide an instant, medium, and extended effect.

Caffeine anhydrous is simply caffeine powder and is the same stuff you find in coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate. It’s known for its energy-boosting effects but has other weight loss benefits besides.

In addition to these active ingredients, there are some inert ingredients that, while crucial, do nothing to enhance fat burning or ketosis. These ingredients prevent the BHB ketones and caffeine from turning into a solid, indigestible mass and help preserve them for a longer shelf life.

The final ingredient worth mentioning is gelatin. Made from rendered animal skins and bones, this is the material used to make the capsules. Because it’s derived from animals, Nutra Life Keto is NOT suitable for vegetarians.

Effects and Benefits

The active ingredients in Nutra Life Keto have a couple of different effects to produce various benefits.

The ketogenic diet is a very low carb diet. Under normal circumstances, your body uses glucose for energy. Glucose comes from dietary carbohydrates. Cutting carbs from your diet means there is no glucose available, so your body turns fat into a more useable source of energy – ketones. Your body uses ketones in all the places it used to use glucose, including your brain and muscles.

The BHB ketone salts in Nutra Life Keto are identical to the ketones produced in your body, so your body recognizes and uses them as it would have done had it made them itself. These supplementary ketones are called exogenous ketones, and exogenous means from an external source.

Your body uses these exogenous ketones for a variety of functions, which will:

  • Help you get into ketosis faster
  • Put you into a deeper state of ketosis
  • Reduce the duration and severity of the keto flu
  • Speed up fat loss
  • Increase mental and physical energy
  • Reduce hunger and cravings

Caffeine, the other active ingredient in this product, also has some useful benefits. Caffeine is a stimulant that naturally occurs in tea, coffee, and chocolate. In this product, its effects and benefits include:

  • Increased mental and physical energy
  • Increased metabolism
  • Higher fat cell motility and availability

This combination of BHB ketones and caffeine should make many aspects of the ketogenic diet easier, not least preventing the dreaded keto flu by getting you into ketosis faster.

How to use it Properly

Nutra Life Keto is very easy to use. According to the manufacturer, all you need to do is take one tablet twice a day with food and an eight-ounce glass of water. There is no mention of what time to take this supplement, but, because of the caffeine content, it’s probably best to avoid taking this product too close to bedtime as you may find you are unable to sleep.

Pros and Cons of Nutra Life Keto

While this product can enhance your ketogenic diet, there are pros and cons you should consider before buying and using Nutra Life Keto. Those pros and cons include:

  • Easy to use – just take one capsule twice a day with food and water
  • Proven ingredients – both BHB ketones and caffeine have been shown to be beneficial on the ketogenic diet
  • Easy to swallow capsules – 400 mg is not so big that it’s a struggle to swallow
  • Good for all aspects of the ketogenic diet – from beating keto flu to accelerating fat loss, this supplement does it all
  • Proprietary blend – this makes it impossible to identify how much of each ingredient this product contains
  • Not suitable for vegetarians or vegans – gelatin, the material from which the capsules are made, is derived from processed animal skins and bones
  • Ongoing cost – you’ll need more than one bottle of this product to get any benefits. You should buy two or even three bottles for best results
  • Won’t work unless you do – this product won’t do much for you if you aren’t following a strict ketogenic diet
  • May cause some unwanted side-effects – as detailed below

Side Effects

Nutra Life Keto causes very few unwanted side effects for most users. Its ingredients are natural and are well tolerated by most people. However, some sensitive users may experience the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Muscle tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Increased urine output and dehydration
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Palpations
  • Muscle cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

If you experience any of these side effects, you should reduce your intake from two capsules per day to just one. Also, do not use this product late at night. Side effects usually disappear after 1-2 weeks of continual use.

The first three ingredients are exogenous ketones. That means they are ketones from an external source. Your body manufacturers ketones from fat during low-carb diets. Your body can then use ketones for energy and other metabolic processes.

Nutra Life Keto Review

Nutra Life Keto

Nutra Life Keto


  • Designed to help you meet your goals!
  • Faster Recovery from Exercise!
  • Fast acting and absorbing formula!
  • Lose Weight
  • Burn Fat in Trouble Areas

What are the Ingredients?

Nutra Life Keto contains several different ingredients, although it’s unknown how much of each this product provides. That’s because they are contained within a proprietary blend. Manufacturers use proprietary blends to keep their exact formulas secret. However, it also means users cannot know precisely how much of each ingredient they’re ingesting.

The active ingredients in Nutra Life Keto are:

  • Magnesium beta-hydroxybutyrate
  • Calcium beta-hydroxybutyrate
  • Sodium beta-hydroxybutyrate
  • Caffeine anhydrous

The first three ingredients are exogenous ketones. That means they are ketones from an external source. Your body manufacturers ketones from fat during low-carb diets. Your body can then use ketones for energy and other metabolic processes.

Caffeine anhydrous is simply caffeine powder. Caffeine powder will give you energy, increase mental focus, and is also a potent fat burner.

Nutra Life Keto also contains a few inert ingredients which don’t contribute anything to fat burning, energy, or ketosis but are still important. Gelatin (capsule), magnesium stearate, rice flour, and silicon dioxide ensure the active ingredients remain viable.

How to use it Correctly

Nutra Life Keto is very easy to use. According to the manufacturer, you just take two capsules once per day. There are no guidelines as to what the best time is to take this supplement.

However, because it contains caffeine, users should avoid using this supplement too close to bedtime as it could make sleep hard to come by. Arguably, the best time to take Nutra Life Keto is first thing in the morning. However, exercisers may benefit from taking it 15-30 minutes before a workout, as it should provide a noticeable boost in energy.

Benefits of using it

The ingredients in Nutra Life Keto will have the following effects and benefits:

fit woman

Faster descent into ketosis – getting into ketosis takes time, anywhere from a few days to two weeks, depending on how much carbohydrate you have in your body. The exogenous ketones in Nutra Life Keto will artificially raise your ketone levels so that you enter ketosis sooner.

Shorter, easier ketogenic flu – the process of getting into ketosis is often accompanied by several unpleasant side effects, collectively called the keto flu. These include headaches, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, hunger, and brain fog. Because the ingredients in Nutra Life Keto help you get into ketosis faster, you should experience shorter, easier keto flu.

Increased energy – on the keto diet, your body doesn’t have carbs for energy, so it uses fat instead. Unfortunately, fat is something of a slow burner. To remedy this problem, your body turns some fat into ketones, a much faster-acting energy source.

The ketones in Nutra Life Keto and the ketones produced by your body are the same, which means the exogenous ketones in this supplement can boost your energy, despite not containing any calories.

In addition, the caffeine anhydrous in this supplement provides you with a secondary source of energy.

Faster fat burning – taking exogenous ketones tricks your body into making more ketones itself. Ketones are made from fat. Subsequently, this supplement can help speed up fat burning. Caffeine anhydrous is also a potent fat burner that increases metabolic rate and energy expenditure.

Less hunger – hunger can make any diet harder to stick to, even one as popular and effective as keto. Exogenous ketones are known for their appetite-suppressing effect. Combined with more stable energy levels, this should mean you suffer fewer cravings and less hunger when you use Nutra Life Keto.

Side effects

The ingredients in Nutra Life Keto are certified GRAS by the FDA, which means they are “generally regarded as safe,” and should not cause any significant side effects. That said, some users may experience a mild reaction to the ingredients and develop the following symptoms:

  • Headaches
  • Cramps
  • Anxiety
  • Increased heart rate
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach upsets

In most cases, the cause of these problems is caffeine. While it’s unclear how much caffeine Nutra Life Keto contains, it’s a good bet that it’s at least 150-200mg, which is the equivalent of two cups of coffee.

Side effects can be avoided by not consuming Nutra Life Keto at the same time as coffee, tea, cola, or hot chocolate, all of which contain caffeine in abundance. Caffeine-sensitive users may also benefit from dividing their dose into two, separated by 6-8 hours. This will avoid any potential caffeine overload.

Finally, the manufacturers recommend not exceeding two capsules per day. Doing so will increase the risk of side effects but won’t increase fat burning.

Even advocates caution that the diet, while effective for certain problems, is not for everyone, and it’s not easy.

Cons and Criticisms Abound

Not everyone is sold.

A recent U.S. News and World Report ranking of 40 diets placed the ketogenic diet dead last, because of concerns about the high level of fat, which could potentially worsen cardiovascular health, and the stress it can place on the liver. (People with liver disorders are advised not to do it.)

And that Netflix documentary, The Magic Pill, which was filmed in Australia, has prompted outrage from the Australian Medical Association. The group’s president, Michael Gannon, called the film’s claims “patently ridiculous” and, in an interview with The Daily Telegraph, he called it a contender “in the awards for the films least likely to contribute to public health.”

Meanwhile, the American Heart Association recently warned that coconut oil — considered a mainstay of the ketogenic diet — is loaded with saturated fat and can raise bad cholesterol. The AHA recommends eating no more than 6% of saturated fat as part of a healthy diet. It’s important to note, too, that eating coconut oil is not required to reach a ketogenic state.

Then there are the side effects.

As the body adapts to nutritional ketosis, many adherents get the “keto flu” — complete with fuzzy-headedness, nausea, fatigue, and headaches. It can last 4 to 5 days. Because the diet can lack fiber, constipation can be a problem, and so can a lack of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, along with kidney stones. And because the diet is so restrictive, it can be hard to stick with long-term.

“If someone wants to go ketogenic, I make it quite clear that it is very hard to do. And I don’t recommend it for everyone,” says Mancinelli, the registered dietitian who wrote a book about the keto diet. Instead, she often recommends a more manageable low-carb diet, along with intermittent fasting, which can prompt some of the same results for the body.

But, she says, for people who like an all-or-nothing approach, the rigor of keto can be a perfect fit, and the fast weight loss at the beginning can be motivating.

Mancinelli says clients should avoid going overboard on saturated fats like coconut oil and strive to get a mix of fats and low-carb vegetables. There are typically no calorie restrictions on the diet, because usually, fat makes people feel fuller and their appetite naturally diminishes. (Often, people aren’t hungry for three meals a day anymore).

“That said, being on keto is not a license to overeat,” she advises.

Sandoval, who read Mancinelli’s book three times, listened. Today, he has no doubt he’ll reach his goal weight of 190 pounds.

“People have a lot of misperceptions about it, thinking you have to just eat bacon and eggs, and that it’s not sustainable,” he says. “All I know is, it’s working for me.”


Kossoff and Hartman, Current Opinions in Neurology Review, 2012.

Eric Kossoff, MD, medical director, Pediatric Ketogenic Diet Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maryland.

Kristen Mancinelli, registered dietitian; author, “The Ketogenic Diet: The Scientifically Proven Approach to Fast, Healthy Weight Loss.”