arthaffect reviews

arthaffect reviews

As a child, Jud Jensen of Buckeye, Arizona was diagnosed with an orthopedic disease of the joint called Sherman’s Disease, located in his spine. His work as a mechanic involves a lot of leaning and heavy lifting, which is very hard on his back. “It used to be that I was so sore in the morning that I would have to roll out of bed and then push myself up to a standing position,” he says. “I started on Arthaffect® nine years ago, and within a few months, I felt solid results with my back pain. Today, I feel better than ever. I will never be without this product!”


Arthaffect for joint health

Our joints are the center of every move we make. But according to the CDC, more than 90 million Americans report some type of joint problem. These joint issues make it difficult to maintain an active lifestyle — whether you’re a world-class athlete or simply finding it harder to move freely as you age.

Fortunately, science has discovered an array of nutrients that contribute to joint health. You could mix and match bottles of vitamin pills. Or, you can get optimal levels of more than 20 powerful ingredients in one convenient, highly absorbable Arthaffect shake. No other joint performance formula comes close. Bottom line: Arthaffect works!

Nutrition Breakthrough

Patented Arthaffect combines the best traditional Eastern herbal therapies with cutting-edge nutrients clinically proven to help repair and restore existing joint tissues.

Dual Action

More than simply a solution to a problem, Arthaffect also provides prevention for the future — allowing you to maintain your healthy, active lifestyle.

Short-term relief. Greater comfort means you can continue to move freely. A proprietary blend of powerful herbs including boswellin, ashwagandha and borage oil, helps reduce joint and muscle swelling and relieve discomfort.

Long-term function. Whether you’re a marathon runner or a casual golfer, your joints will suffer wear and tear over the years. Glucosamine and arthred work to protect against deterioration by improving the body’s ability to improve existing collagen and cartilage.

Feature Benefit
Hydrolyzed Collagen Protein With 7 grams of collagen per serving, you’ll be protecting your joints from the natural wear and tear of an active lifestyle — allowing you to remain active even longer.
D-glucosamine Hydrochloride, a natural ingredient found in healthy cartilage that has been widely studied You’ll enjoy greater comfort and better joint function.
Boswellin and Aswagandha You’ll get the best of traditional medicine with herbs shown to help reduce joint and muscle swelling and relieve discomfort.
A proprietary blend of 20 ingredients hailed by researchers worldwide for their joint support benefits You’ll receive benefits upfront, while Arthred continues to work longer term to build healthier joints.
Bioperine®, an extract from black pepper fruits. Your body will be better able to absorb and use all of the nutrients in Arthaffect.
A low-calorie, protein-rich formula With 6 grams of protein and only 30 calories, you can add it to your daily diet without worrying about extra pounds.

As a child, Jud Jensen of Buckeye, Arizona was diagnosed with an orthopedic disease of the joint called Sherman’s Disease, located in his spine. His work as a mechanic involves a lot of leaning and heavy lifting, which is very hard on his back. “It used to be that I was so sore in the morning that I would have to roll out of bed and then push myself up to a standing position,” he says. “I started on Arthaffect® nine years ago, and within a few months, I felt solid results with my back pain. Today, I feel better than ever. I will never be without this product!”

When I discovered Arthaffect, I had so much pain and stiffness I could barely use the stairs. I was at the point of giving up. But now I can move freely again! I enjoy hiking, golf — even scuba diving! I will never be without Arthaffect.”

Sherri Selman, Alpharetta, GA

“I’m the kind of guy who needs proof,” says Rob Frick of Otis, CO. At 47 years old, Rob had already undergone one knee surgery. Wear and tear from martial arts and working in law enforcement, truck driving and on his wife’s family-owned farm had taken a toll. By the winter of 2012, he could barely walk and his knees hurt so much it woke him up at night. That’s when Rob decided to give Reliv a try. “I was skeptical, but in two weeks I was walking with normal strides,” he says. That ArthAffect has made the difference with my knees.”

Rob no longer struggles to climb up into his equipment when he works, and his new-found energy allows him to spend more time with his family of 10.

How much should I take daily? Suggest one scoop daily in the beverage of your choice. If you are dealing with severe joint and pain issues you can take 2 – 3 scoops per day. Once there is relief you can reduce to a maintenance dosage.

Can I mix with other Reliv products? Absolutely, all Reliv products are designed to be taken together. Only ReversAge is recommended to be taken separately in the evening.

How soon will I see results? Nutrition directly affects the daily functioning of our bodies. Everyone’s body is different as to how much they need nutritionally and how quickly they will see results. Remember that healing is a process, and new benefits can often be seen even after several months on the products.

Are there any drug interactions? It’s always a good idea to check with your healthcare professional if you’re concerned.

Additional Questions? Please contact us and we’d be more than happy to answer your questions.

Reliv International manufactures ArthAffect in an FDA-approved laboratory. The company is situated in Chesterfield, Missouri, and it sells a variety of dietary supplements to assist you reach your health and wellness objectives.

Although ArthAffect is not yet well-known, it may be a trustworthy joint pain supplement. The composition contains a combination of anti-inflammatory substances and organic materials that promote joint health from a variety of perspectives. The product also contains Boswellin, which has been scientifically demonstrated to help people with osteoarthritis manage their pain sensations.

Reliv International manufactures ArthAffect in an FDA-approved laboratory. The company is situated in Chesterfield, Missouri, and it sells a variety of dietary supplements to assist you reach your health and wellness objectives.


ArthAffect Review – Images from a Health Web Magazine

Elizabeth Miller, Littlefork, MN

Arthaffect® Product Information

You may also want to read the related posts on the Reliv Blog.

The problem: modern diets have created epidemic rates of serious health problems. The solution: Reliv nutrition.

Discover the unique blend of ingredients that make this product unlike any other nutritional supplement available today.
It has…. (Features) Which means… (Benefits)
A US Patent… … there’s only one Arthaffect®.
Patented Arthred®, which was proven through $10 million in worldwide clinical trials to support healthy joints… … you’ll be protecting your joints from the natural wear and tear of an active lifestyle — allowing you to remain active even longer.
D-glucosamine Hydrochloride, a natural ingredient found in healthy cartilage that has been widely studied… … you’ll enjoy greater comfort and better joint function.
Boswellin and Aswagandha… … you’ll get the best of traditional medicine with herbs shown to help reduce joint and muscle swelling and relieve discomfort.
A proprietary blend of 20 ingredients hailed by researchers worldwide for their joint support benefits… … you’ll receive benefits upfront, while Arthred continues to work longer term to build healthier joints.
Bioperine®… … your body will be better able to absorb and use all of the nutrients in Arthaffect®.
A low-calorie, protein-rich formula… … you can add it to your daily diet without worrying about extra pounds.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Here are some useful articles about Arthritis and Joint Health that you may find useful:

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Arthaffect® – Product Reviews

“When I discovered Arthaffect, I had so much pain and stiffness I could barely use the stairs. I was at the point of giving up. But now I can move freely again! I enjoy hiking, golf — even scuba diving! I will never be without Arthaffect.

Sherri Selman, Alpharetta, GA

“Twelve-hour days bent over in a kitchen meant severe back pain. After adding Arthaffect® and other Reliv products, I felt great! I was so pleased with my results that I became a Reliv Distributor.”

Domenic Rossi Morris, IL

“Four years ago, joint stiffness in my hand and wrist made it difficult to hold a pencil or paintbrush without pain. Then I found Reliv’s Arthaffect. Now I can pursue my art as I please.”

Elisa Petree, Arden, NC

“I am so thankful for Arthaffect. Don’t know where I would be or how I would get along today if it wasn’t for this product. It has given me quality of life! Thank you, Reliv!”

Elizabeth Miller, Littlefork, MN

“When I got back on my bike in December, I began using Arthaffect. After a two-hour-plus ride, I’d be pretty sore, but Arthaffect helped me recover quickly and reduced the inflammation, soreness and pain in my knee. It allows me to train harder and recover faster.”

Steve Weiler, Washington State University Cycling Team

“I’m a basketball referee, which means long hours standing on the court. After a game, I would always have to come home and deal with the pain. I had an opportunity to ref some important games, but with no relief in sight, I was considering retirement. That’s when I was introduced to Arthaffect and other Reliv products. After three months, I was back on my feet doing what I love. Before Reliv, 30-50 games a year was a lot for me to referee. In the past 5 years, I’ve officiated over 700 games!”

Dave Zuro, Crestwood, IL

“Wouldn’t go a day without Arthaffect. Tried many other so-called joint health supplements for years. None had any effect. With Arthaffect, I’m able to do things I did 30 years ago without pain. No shoulder problems from competitive swimming overuse. No knee problems from decades of pounding the pavement. Competing in my first triathalon this weekend. How? One word (well two): Arthaffect and Reliv!”

John Coloe, Canton, GA

“I used to only take this when I had a cold, or should I say the beginnings of one… as I’ve never actually had a proper one since I started taking Reliv! However, I banged my left knee hard a few weeks back… maybe a month, and it’s not healing right. I know what I need to start adding every day from today. Thank you Reliv for being able to help our needs. The world is a better place because of you!”

Nikki-Sara Mitchell, Redondo Beach, CA

“My wife and I have used Arthaffect for fifteen years and the difference has even been medically noted. To be totally functional at 65 — tread mill, hiking, cycling, weights, yoga, on the floor with grandkids and pets — without any meds or any joint issues isn’t typical of people our age.”

Mike Michelozzi, Kalamazoo, MI

“As a child, I was diagnosed with an orthopedic disease of the joint called Sherman’s Disease, located in my spine. My work as a mechanic involves a lot of leaning and heavy lifting, which is very hard on my back. It used to be that I was so sore in the morning that I would have to roll out of bed and then push myself up to a standing position. I started on Arthaffect nine years ago, and within a few months, I felt solid results with my back pain. Today, I feel better than ever. I will never be without this product!”

Jud Jensen, Buckeye, AZ

The statements contained in this material have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The personal testimonials shared reflect individual experiences and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Reliv products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Take an inside look at Reliv as Chief Operating Officer Brett Hastings takes you step by step through our renowned manufacturing process.

Arthaffect is is sold at a cost of $70.00. There are no discounts offered when purchasing larger amounts of the supplement, even the manufacturer does not have a monthly subscription program which the customer can join. Although, they offer a 30-day money back guarantee on all their supplements, full details are not provided regarding terms and conditions.

Even though Arthaffect contains several key ingredients often used in these types of joint health supplements, it would be helpful to have more information on the website. Without knowing ingredient amounts or seeing any kind of clinical data, it’s impossible for the consumer to know what to expect in terms of results and they must rely solely on the manufacturer’s claims. While the manufacturer does appear to be reputable and established, it’s a concern that they don’t provide in-depth information regarding the quality and benefits of the ingredients used in the Arthaffect formula. Any consumer that wants to try this supplement should certainly contact the company directly for full terms and conditions of the money back guarantee before making an order.

Bones are connected by joints, which allow us to move with ease.* Joint damage can cause pain preventing you from doing the things you once loved.* Many conditions lead to joint pain from aging to an untreated sports injury.* A quality joint product may help repair existing tissue damage and also promote stronger joints, less susceptible to future generation.*

Below you’ll find some of the most effective joint pain supplements on the market today, in our opinion.*

Researchers [1] have also supported that D-Glucosamine helps you recover flexibility in various ways, like optimizing chondrocyte cells that generate cartilage, blocking some cartilage-damaging enzymes, and providing joint-protective antioxidant properties.

  • ArthAffect might cause some side effects like nausea, heartburn, and headaches.
  • There are limited ArthAffect reviews.
  • The formula does not offer free trials or samples.

Yes, ArthAffect is safe. It features organic elements, but the formula is manufactured in an FDA-evaluated lab and does not feature any severe side effects.

You may buy ArthAffect on the manufacturer’s official website. It is also one of the most budget-friendly joint pain supplements compared to similar products on the market.

ArthAffect comes in powder form, and thus you should mix one spoon of the formula with a glass of water every day.

Yes, ArthAffect offers you a money-back guarantee. Therefore you may ship back any unsealed or sealed products and get a full refund. The formula, however, does not offer free trials or samples.

Joint supplements are slowly becoming popular. People with active lifestyles, looking to strengthen their joints and maintain flexibility.

According to ArthAffect reviews, the formula helps lessen your joint pain and stiffness resulting from knee or elbow pain. The formula also features herbal extracts that are clinically-approved to address various symptoms of arthritis.

According to ArthAffect reviews online, the formula does not produce any severe side effects. However, you might experience nausea, heartburn, and headaches once you start using the product, but they fade away with time.

Yes, the pain reliever helps support joint mobility and soothe joint aches. Moreover, it comes at an affordable price. Therefore, if you have been struggling with symptoms of arthritis, this should be your go-to formula.

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