NuHair Reviews

NuHair DHT Blocker Hair Regrowth Support Formula Tablets 60-Count Bottle

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My husband and i use it regularly, and we are pleased with the results.

My husband and i use it regularly, and we are pleased with the results. Read Less

Fast delivery, product works great, good price

Fast delivery, product works great, good price Read Less

It seems to slow down further hair loss with the other products together but really no way to tell without a time machine.

It seems to slow down further hair loss with the other products together but really no way to tell without a time machine. Read Less

I would agree that everyone is different and our bodies accept what we put into them differently but i have had good luck with . Read More

I would agree that everyone is different and our bodies accept what we put into them differently but i have had good luck with this product, with no side affects. Read Less


Anyway, at least the shipping arrived on time.

Anyway, at least the shipping arrived on time. Read Less


As the packaging notes, it did take about 4 months before i was able to see a difference.

As the packaging notes, it did take about 4 months before i was able to see a difference. Read Less


Most positive review

Fast shipping great product you don’t want to loose anymore hair!

Fast shipping great product you don’t want to loose anymore hair! Read Less

Most authentic review

It improves my hair sheerness and speeds up hair growth by about 50%-75%. For areas almost bald already, after taking this for . Read More

It improves my hair sheerness and speeds up hair growth by about 50%-75%. For areas almost bald already, after taking this for 3 months, I began seeing new hairs shown there. Not a sudden massive growth in bald areas, but it is improving gradually.It needs time for bald areas where follicle stem cells died out mostly to get those cells grow back from somewhere else. This product does not turn normal skin cells into follicle stem cells over a few nights. Read Less

Helpful Insights

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

For some people i guess it wont work so until u try it give it a shot for yourself cause each person different i have no issues but having trouble remembering but thats about it .

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

This product does not turn normal skin cells into follicle stem cells over a few nights.

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

That should give you the confidence to continue and know that you haven’t wasted your time and money.

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

It seems to slow down further hair loss with the other products together but really no way to tell without a time machine.

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

Not 100% sure this product is the cause.

Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

My hair is bad, i have very little hair on top, i’m bald above both ears and the rest was just fuzzy.

NuHair sells its products and services in the beauty & personal care category, and it only sells women’s hair regrowth treatments. So if you are seeking women’s hair regrowth treatments, Nu-Hair can be your choice.

NuHair Buying Guide

Do you get stressed out thinking about shopping for women’s hair regrowth treatments? Are you confused to choose the best women’s hair regrowth treatments? Nu-Hair reviews are here to provide you with a better insight on the quality and performance of the beauty & personal care products.

When purchasing a product, price is the consumer’s primary concern. At present, Nu-Hair has 8 products for sale. Nu-Hair products range in price from $28.5 to $123.23, and the average price of all the products is about $50.08.

We found that most of the Nu-Hair products are manufactured by NuHair, Nuhair Pack, NuHair, Nuhair, NUHAIR. The manufacturers provide Nu-Hair with a steady supply of products, and they have a good cooperative relationship with each other.

You can purchase Nu-Hair products from the Amazon seller betterlifecom, over the last 12 months, the seller has received honest feedback from 387 consumers, and the average rating is 4.86. The store has a good reputation so you can purchase from it with confidence.

How to find more Nu-Hair products on FindThisBest?

  1. Go back to FindThisBest’s homepage.
  2. Type Nu-Hair in the search box and hit Enter to see the search results.
  3. Find and click the correct Nu-Hair to go to the new page.
  4. Select the products you want in the Nu-Hair buying guide, and take a glance at the prices and features of the products.
  5. View the products interest you on Amazon to read the customer reviews and check the ratings. Besides, you can hit the “brand” to find more Nu-Hair products.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What products does Nu-Hair sell?

Nu-Hair sells its products and services in the beauty & personal care category, and it only sells women’s hair regrowth treatments. So if you are seeking women’s hair regrowth treatments, Nu-Hair can be your choice.

How do I purchase a quality product from Nu-Hair?

  • Sales quantity. You can check the total sales quantity of the product from Nu-Hair.
  • Feedback. You can read the reviews offered by other buyers.
  • The most important thing is that you should choose the best products according to your actual needs.

How does findthisbest choose the top Nu-Hair products?

We analyze millions of Nu-Hair products reviews and customer reviews to recommend the best picks for most consumers. We have a professional team with decades of experience to test the products, which can help ensure that we provide our readers with accurate advice and best recommendations.

How many top products do you recommend from a brand?

There are usually 5 to 10 products in a brand buying guide. Nu-Hair has a relatively small number of products for sale, only 8, but we analyze all of them in detail and recommended them to our readers.

How can I purchase Nu-Hair products via FindThisBest?

  1. Go to the Nu-Hair page.
  2. Select the product you want in the Nu-Hair buying guide, and then view the product on Amazon. For example, if you are interested in the top 1 product NuHair DHT Blocker Hair Regrowth Support Tablets, you can view it on Amazon page.
  3. Place your order on Amazon.

Who are the manufacturers of the Nu-Hair products?

Most of the Nu-Hair products are produced by Nu Hair, Nuhair Pack, NuHair, Nuhair, NUHAIR. The manufacturers provide Nu-Hair with a steady supply of products, and they have a good cooperative relationship with each other.

What is the purpose of your brand guide?

Our mission is to provide you with the most up-to-date and objective information about the Nu-Hair products, helping you make more informed buying decisions. We recommend best choices of the products from the Nu-Hair brand, helping you make better shopping choices with less time and energy.

Finally, we would not recommend using it if you’re taking antibiotics.

What Are The NuHair DHT Blocker Ingredients?

We have found the following supplement facts for this product:

One 1-Tablet Serving Contains: Zinc 10mg, Selenium 100mcg, Proprietary Blend (Phytosterol Complex, Saw Palmetto Extract, Pumpkin Concentrate, Quercetin), Fo-ti Extract 100mg, Kudzu Extract 43.75mg, Soy Extract 6.25mg, and Tomato Powder 2mg.

Is NuHair DHT Blocker Suitable For Everyone?

For the most part, yes the vast majority of people will be able to use this product without any issues whatsoever, however there are certain circumstances where usage should be avoided, or signed off on by a healthcare professional.

Firstly, our research has shown that ingredients inside the NuHair DHT Blocker could reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills and estrogen pills.

Furthermore, it may also reduce the effectiveness of medications designed to slow blood clotting.

Finally, we would not recommend using it if you’re taking antibiotics.

Is NuHair DHT Blocker Safe?

Yes, the product appears to be completely safe; the NuHair DHT Blocker doesn’t contain any ingredients that have been officially banned or flagged as unsuitable for human consumption.

If you have any sort of underlying medical condition(s) you should consider consulting with your doctor before using this product just to ensure it is safe for you.

Do yourself a favor and just go to Turkey. That’s the world known hub for hair transplants. I know at least 5 people who’ve gone to get their hair done there and it looks amazing.

Does anyone have any experience with Nuhair medical?

They do hair transplants. Their prices are lower than other clinics, but I can’t find out much about them online.

Are these guys legit? Their website and the way the conduct themselves online is kind of sketch, but all that matters to me is that they are legit and will do a good job.

When it comes to hair procedures pay the extra 15% and go to the best. we have a world leader right in our backyard.

Curious who you’re talking about?

Why? Don’t you like the doll hair look? Lol

Have u looked into prp for hair restoration? Skin Technique in Yaletown always posts about it on their social and results look pretty good.

Do yourself a favor and just go to Turkey. That’s the world known hub for hair transplants. I know at least 5 people who’ve gone to get their hair done there and it looks amazing.

Interesting: I’ve actually had two hair transplants with NHM and my results are amazing.

I’m super curious to know To the poster who said they have fake Google reviews, how do you know that? Are you a patient? It just seems like everybody started talking about Hasson and Wong as they do in a lot of other sites like cheerleaders and bashing competition.

I had to wait for months to get in for surgery, they’re doing like 30 cases a month from what they told me, and I know that during my week they were doing like four cases a day, so they are legit and they’re really good at what they do and they’re busy, and affordable and the technician who is working on me has been doing the stuff for like 20 years and has done over 10,000 cases.

I had to wait for months to get in for surgery, they’re doing like 30 cases a month and I know that during my week they were doing four cases a day, so they are legit and they’re really good at what they do and they’re busy, and affordable.

I don’t get why that poster is talking Is talking about doctors, like surehair, Bosley, hair club – All those companies have multiple doctors, so why are they going to talk about one? It depends which city you’re into which doctor you going to get. Again I just don’t like random remarks, I’m betting this guy isn’t even a patient like me.

Here I’ll even copy it below to preserve it for future generations (yes the same paragraph is written twice, that wasn’t a mistake on my part):

Interesting: I’ve actually had two hair transplants with NHM and my results are amazing.

I’m super curious to know To the poster who said they have fake Google reviews, how do you know that? Are you a patient? It just seems like everybody started talking about Hasson and Wong as they do in a lot of other sites like cheerleaders and bashing competition.

I had to wait for months to get in for surgery, they’re doing like 30 cases a month from what they told me, and I know that during my week they were doing like four cases a day, so they are legit and they’re really good at what they do and they’re busy, and affordable and the technician who is working on me has been doing the stuff for like 20 years and has done over 10,000 cases.

I had to wait for months to get in for surgery, they’re doing like 30 cases a month and I know that during my week they were doing four cases a day, so they are legit and they’re really good at what they do and they’re busy, and affordable.

I don’t get why that poster is talking Is talking about doctors, like surehair, Bosley, hair club – All those companies have multiple doctors, so why are they going to talk about one? It depends which city you’re into which doctor you going to get. Again I just don’t like random remarks, I’m betting this guy isn’t even a patient like me.

We will assess your hair loss treatment options and help you get your perfect hair look back. We are proud to be one of the USA’s oldest companies, offering hair loss solutions with the highest quality and service rating.


We customize nonsurgical hair replacement with adjustments as needed. We offer hairpieces and wigs from several manufacturers. Your hair system should fit with the correct size, hair density, and gray hair mixture according to your growing hair fast, easy, and secure. We’ll help you get the right nonsurgical hair restoration system for you with stunning results.

Firstly, we are hair restoration specialists, Transitions International Group, with over 60 hair loss centers worldwide! Secondly, as a group, we enjoy the distinction of having performed more surgical and non-surgical hair restoration procedures for individuals with hair loss than any other hair restoration group in the world! Moreover, Transitions centers are in Texas, Ohio, NY to California, Wisconsin to Florida, with locations in the USA & worldwide, including Canada, Mexico, England, Australia, and India.

Most importantly, we have the most advanced development in non-surgical hair systems, wigs, hairpieces, and hair extensions. Our GUARANTEE to you is to be the BEST our profession has to offer. We are committed to helping you get your hair back quickly and confidentially. At our hair restoration center in Dallas, Texas, your consultation is private, and there is “no pressure,” no obligation. Take the first step right NOW!