mighty menopause reviews

mighty menopause reviews

One Amazon buyer writes: “I have been using this product for a month now and thought I would share my experience. I’m 54 years old and in my third month of menopause. I had many symptoms including both hot flashes and night sweats, weight gain, fatigue, depression, irritability, confusion, dry skin, body odor changes, losing my hair, brittle nails. I went to an herbalist thinking that they would give me a mixture of herbs, instead she hands me Femmenessensce MacaPause. I asked her, ‘This one thing will take care of all these symptoms?’, she answered very confidently, ‘Yes.’ She was right. It took a little longer than I expected — nine days — but I have no more hot flashes or night sweats and no longer feel fatigued. I stopped losing my hair and when I touch my scalp, I can feel growth. My skin feels less dry and I feel calm again.”

Menopausal Women Swear By This Supplement for Hot Flashes

If pesky menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats are driving you crazy, perhaps it’s time to consider the mighty maca root. People in the Andes Mountains in South America have used this plant for centuries to treat conditions like anemia and infertility, but its maca root’s hormone-balancing abilities that have menopausal women raving.

When comparing studies that tested the maca plant to treat menopausal symptoms, researchers noted that all of them “demonstrated [the] favorable effects of maca” in perimenopausal women, as well as in early and late postmenopausal women. However, more research is needed on the topic due to limited sample sizes.

Maca seems to allow the endocrine system to better regulate mood, metabolism, and energy levels, which can bring relief to menopausal women. Experts are still trying to pinpoint exactly how maca helps, but it may suppress the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which is important because low estrogen levels and high FSH levels may cause hot flashes. It is also chock full of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B1 and B12, and fatty acids.

As always, consult with your doctor before adding supplements to your diet. If you get the go-ahead, we recommend Femmenessence MacaPause ($36.99, Amazon), a twice-a-day capsule that will alleviate all the things you really hate about menopause, like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, low energy, brittle hair and nails, low libido, and vaginal dryness.

In a 2005 clinical trial published in the International Journal of Biomedical Science, 17 of the 20 women taking MacaPause saw a reduction in the severity of their menopause symptoms in as little as three weeks. Researchers wrote that the participants had “substantially-reduced feeling of discomfort associated with menopause.”

One Amazon buyer writes: “I have been using this product for a month now and thought I would share my experience. I’m 54 years old and in my third month of menopause. I had many symptoms including both hot flashes and night sweats, weight gain, fatigue, depression, irritability, confusion, dry skin, body odor changes, losing my hair, brittle nails. I went to an herbalist thinking that they would give me a mixture of herbs, instead she hands me Femmenessensce MacaPause. I asked her, ‘This one thing will take care of all these symptoms?’, she answered very confidently, ‘Yes.’ She was right. It took a little longer than I expected — nine days — but I have no more hot flashes or night sweats and no longer feel fatigued. I stopped losing my hair and when I touch my scalp, I can feel growth. My skin feels less dry and I feel calm again.”

Until the day researchers create a magical pill that will get rid of menopause, maca root may be all you need to get back to feeling like your regular fun-loving, fabulous self.

When things start to go haywire in your 40s, you’re likely in perimenopause. Formula 4|5 is like none other because it is designed specifically for the hormone profile of perimenopause combining data-backed, effective natural ingredients.

Start here: Relief with Formula 4|5

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MIGHTY Menopause® is changing the way women deal with menopause-related symptoms. First, with innovative blends of effective ingredients. Formula 4|5, our flagship supplement, is designed specifically for the common symptoms of early perimenopause. Every capsule combines plant-based ingredients into a custom herbal formula chosen because they’ve shown efficacy in addressing underlying causes of unwanted symptoms. Second, by providing you with an easy way to track how you’re doing while you’re taking our supplements.

At MIGHTY we believe in the power of informed decisions and that women are empowered when they control their own data. That’s why we created the MIGHTY Report™ . It’s a personalized chart showing how your symptom levels changed over the month. It’s easy, quick, convenient, personalized. A picture is worth a thousand words. Syncing it with your daily regimen of Formula 4|5 is priceless. Finally, you will have the personal insights you’ve been yearning for.

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Formula 4|5

When things start to go haywire in your 40s, you’re likely in perimenopause. Formula 4|5 is like none other because it is designed specifically for the hormone profile of perimenopause combining data-backed, effective natural ingredients.

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Formula 5|6

After you stop having periods, you are on your way to a new normal. A different symptom set may arise as your hormonal profile shifts once again. Formula 5|6 is designed using data-backed, effective natural ingredients specifically with this phase in mind.

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The MIGHTY Report™

What is the MIGHTY Report™? It’s the visualization of how your symptoms change week by week. How does it happen? We send you an automated check-in via text message every week. You text back with how you’re feeling. That’s it. MIGHTY does the rest. After four weeks, we create your personalized chart that shows how your symptom levels changed over the month. With the MIGHTY Report™, you also get daily text reminders to take your supplement.

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The MIGHTY Plan™

The MIGHTY Plan™ is a six-month subscription of Formula 4|5 to help you through the first phase of perimenopause. You pay for only 5-months. It gives you the peace of mind that your monthly supply shows up when you need it helping you stay balanced and living your best life.

And it gives you free exclusive access to the MIGHTY Report™.

What other women are saying.

I felt ignored by traditional OB/GYNs and was immediately drawn to MIGHTY Menopause for the sense of understanding and vision. The supplements and daily reminders have erased my hot flashes as well as eased my other symptoms. I am very happy to have found MIGHTY after years of searching for answers.

What other women are saying.

In less than TWO months, I’ve seen a real difference – periods are lighter and I feel more energetic, less down on myself. Bravo!

What other women are saying.

The daily reminders are critical! I have been totally faithful to the supplement program as a result. Have barely missed a day.

What other women are saying.

This has been such a huge improvement!! My hot flashes were severe and now they are almost non-existent.

What other women are saying.

I started using the product this month and I am 3/4 through the first bottle. I have more energy, regular movements, and my cycle started again after three months of nothing. I’m 52. I’ll definitely be ordering some more of this formula!

We all know it’s a new world. And menopause feels stuck in the past. Let’s change that.

#thisisnotyourmothersmenopause sums it up pretty nicely, doesn’t it?

Why is this not like your mother’s menopause? Because the women dealing with menopause issues right now, mostly women who are currently in their 40s and 50s, are not like their mothers. They are living longer, more educated, more empowered. They are digital/analog-fluent, have high expectations and are accustomed to making informed decisions, especially about their health. They are modern women trying to do it all, now grappling with the complexities of menopause.

MIGHTY Menopause® is designed around the modern woman and her multi-year menopause experience. MIGHTY Menopause® combines innovative natural herbal supplements with the MIGHTY Report™ to provide the personal insights she’s been yearning for.

The MIGHTY Report™ changes everything. It helps you remember to take your supplements every day (with daily notifications) and track your symptoms while you’re taking them (with weekly check-in’s). And every month you get your progress chart. All at your fingertips. Via customized text messages. Revolutionary, isn’t it? Finally, a seriously easy way track changes while you’re taking supplements. We all know that the effects of menopause are different for every woman. And so, personalized data is imperative. That’s how we modernize menopause. It’s the way forward. We, at MIGHTY, are leading the charge – for you.

Most studies on the effects of melatonin are small, so its effects aren’t proven like those of prescription drugs or even over-the-counter medications. But the research certainly points to the possible benefits of embracing a regular, low-dose melatonin regimen. Even better news? There’s virtually no harm in trying.

Melatonin for Menopausal Insomnia

While the classic menopause symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats can lead to disturbed sleep, it’s worth noting that poor sleep quality itself is not always a direct symptom of menopause alone (though certainly hot flashes don’t help) but of simply getting older. In fact, production of melatonin—the body’s sleep chemical—decreases throughout the lifespan of both men and women.

Your body produces melatonin naturally when it is exposed to darkness. The hormone helps the body wind down and get good quality sleep. Morning light shuts down melatonin secretion. Researchers don’t agree completely as to whether a melatonin shortage is the cause of common age-related sleep troubles. But they do know that people who tend to wake up during the night have better luck sleeping through till morning when they take a melatonin supplement. According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, scientists at MIT found that just 0.3mg of melatonin every night before bedtime can restore sleep in adults over 50 who have insomnia.

Improving sleep, even if that’s the only thing melatonin does, is no small thing. You can’t be healthy—in body or mind—without enough sleep. So, what is “enough sleep,” you ask? “Women live the longest if they sleep a good seven to eight hours a night,” Dr. Hirsch says.

The graffiti is spot-on. Jeanne Chung discovered this mailbox in San Francisco.

Other than the pandemic, what three jumbles are top of mind for you?

1. Building a new life in NYC with my boyfriend and my dog

We’re still getting into our groove with a new life in NYC — then the pandemic hit. It’s hard to figure out how to build our lives here when things are so limited and uncertain. Visions of a life in New York were based on an idea of “normal,” which may likely no longer apply. It’s heavy and I feel immobilized by the pandemic, but I’m working to see and feel little glimmers of curiosity and openness to let new ideas into the mix.

2. Learning how to be all the things for each other in my relationship, which is the most meaningful relationship I’ve ever had

The success of which is fully dependent on my own self-awareness and courage to be self-aware, accountable, and forthright. I have to be good for me to be good for him and vice-versa. All of this is a work in progress.

3. Learning to balance two important endeavors:
– Creating a voice and story line about deep social change for older/elder women. It’s an underpinning of what MIGHTY is all about but deserves a separate space.

– Continuing to build MIGHTY. I’m deeply committed and dedicated to both with limited resources. So I’m continually assessing my allocation of time and my intellectual and creativity energy.

Waiting in line to get into Trader Joe’s in Manhattan a few weeks into the quarantine.

I first came across maca on a trip to Peru. I was on a healing journey of sorts, traveling the globe, trying to find natural – yet proven – solutions to my own hormone nightmare…going into premature menopause at the age of 39 due to a personal trauma. Everywhere I went in Peru the locals said to “Try maca” to address my own issue, and it seemed to be the answer to pretty much any other health concern! Digestion got you down? “Try maca!” Fertility challenges? “Try maca!” Sexual dysfunction problems? “Try maca.” Stressed and fatigued? “Try maca.”

The Peruvian Viagra! Fertility, sexual function, and libido

Did I mention that maca also contains arginine? Arginine works like Viagra by stimulating nitric oxide production; and research has shown that maca consumption can improve libido, fertility, and sexual function.

Just a few individual studies relating to maca and sexual health:

  • Maca treatment improved libido in women having sexual dysfunction with women indicating that they had more frequent and enjoyable sexual activity. The women had been having sexual dysfunction as a side-effect of taking SSRI (selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitor) medication.
  • A study showed that treatment with maca improved sexual desire in men .
  • A study of postmenopausal women found that maca consumption lowered measures of sexual dysfunction (independent of estrogenic activity). Maca consumption also reduced symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
  • Maca resulted in improvements to sperm production and sperm motility in adult men.

Better than these studies is what I regularly hear from the women and men who use maca and my Mighty Maca blend in regards to how it has helped their libido, sexual dysfunction, and fertility. I hear so many wonderful stories about how this Peruvian Viagra has truly helped with people’s relationships and happiness.

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Do you have doctors? Do you provide medical advice?

Mighty Health was created by a team of experienced professionals, including board certified physicians and leading medical specialists from academic research centers across the nation such as UCSF, Penn, Kaiser, Columbia, and UC San Diego. However, Mighty Health is not a replacement for the evaluation and opinion of a doctor or healthcare professional, and we strongly recommend you continue to follow up and continue your care with your doctor.