valentus slimroast reviews

valentus slimroast reviews

Is Valentus Slim Roast Coffee the drink you need to lose weight? Well, we do like the innovative delivery method and the ability to get a little boost with our morning instant coffee with the added benefit of an antioxidant. Unfortunately, some stimulants could be concerning to some dieters, and the mixed results of the research is an issue. Plus, because it’s a proprietary blend, you may not get the amount of each ingredient needed.

Slim Roast Coffee by Valentus is a mix of Italian dark roast coffee. It is packaged in individual servings and is designed to help with weight loss. According to the company, it’s been formulated with such ingredients that make you feel good while suppressing appetite. Moreover, it also claims to contain detox components.

Each serving contains 12 calories, and making a serving is easy; you mix it in hot water. While you aim to lose weight with this Valentus Slim Roast Coffee, you will also enjoy the taste of dark roast coffee. Although the original flavor is no longer available on the website, there are plenty of others available.

The business behind this weight loss product is Valentus, a company that focuses on offering functional drinks. Products by Valentus contain an array of ingredients, and, according to claims, the majority of them are sourced from natural herbs.

Can coffee help you lose weight – in general? What about the ingredients in Slim Roast?

    – Concludes that “GCBE has a potential anti-obesity effect”; most research though, including this one, only involves mice, not people. – Phaseolamin is a carb blocker. It helps to prevent a few kinds of carbs present in your diet from being digested. – L-theanine can help lower the intake of food, which reduces overall body weight . The ingredient has also been linked to a decrease in stress symptoms, which indirectly promotes weight loss.

Other Slim Roast Products

Other products available in the Slim Roast line include:

  • Slim Roast Optimum
  • Slim Roast Optimum Cocoa
  • Slim Roast Italian
  • Slim Roast Brazilian
  • Slim Roast Cocoa

Products Similar to Slim Roast Coffee

This is how much it costs to start on the respective program. We always recommend trying a product before making a large investment.

  • = Initial product cost is less than $5
  • = Initial product cost is between $6 and $50
  • = Initial product cost is between $51 and $150
  • = Initial product cost is $151 or more

Trying to find an effective weight loss supplement can be an overwhelming experience. Weight loss supplements often claim to provide outlandish results. Weight loss products should be analyzed based on four key factors: potential to increase metabolism, potential to meet weight loss* goals, and quality of ingredients backed by clinical studies.

Overview Of Valentus SlimRoast

Weight management and reduction are far more challenging than drinking a cup of coffee, and it may be affected by many factors such as your food, activities, and willpower to change you. Finding an efficient and safe way to lose weight is a tough job, and most times, you get empty words rather than results.

Many weight loss supplements and drinks are found on the market, but most of them are exaggerated when checked for their validity and benefits. Many brand companies have seen promoting weight loss supplements, but they may prove useless.

Valentus SlimRoast coffee may also claim to help you suppress appetite and a healthy lifestyle. It may appear like the same usual coffee, but it may have extra ingredients for aiding in weight reduction.

By checking Valentus SlimRoast reviews, we found that it may have active ingredients such as beta phenylethylamine and 2-amino-5-methyl heptane that may help decrease appetite.

Predictably, there are also people on there describing how great it is to be a part of the Valentus ‘family’! Because MLM is SO dependable for income, right?

(Diet Review) Valentus SlimRoast: A Cup Of BS?

I’m getting a lot of hate mail from people who are using products that I review and apparently are very offended by my criticisms of the diets. Here is what I have to say to anyone who is reading my reviews:

My reviews are not ‘try it and review my results’. I have a series I’m doing now called ‘I Tried It So You Don’t Have To’, where I am actually trying diets. My original diet reviews, like this one, are simply to compare the claims that the company makes with the research out there (and basic physiology). So writing me and bitching at me for not trying the diet…that’s not the point of these reviews. If you want testimonials, you can go online and find some.

Before and after photos, testimonials, your own personal experience…they are easily fabricated, but besides that, they don’t have anything to do with the science. If you like to base your opinion of a product on before and after pictures and your husband’s weight loss while using it, then go ahead. I’m taking a deeper dive into the claims and science behind them. If that’s not your jam, don’t read my review.

Contrary to what you may believe, I have almost 20 years of experience being a dietitian. This means I’ve taken plenty of university courses in anatomy, physiology, chemistry, and nutrition. I’ve worked with critically ill patients, babies, people who are palliative, and I have done thousands of hours of counselling in my career. I am also open-minded about Eastern AND Western medicine. So yes, I do know what I’m talking about. I just like you to have as much information as possible before you start taking something (and spending your money on it).

I am not writing negative reviews in order to bolster my counselling business. That’s hilarious. I have enough clients, thanks for your concern!

Stop taking it personally when I write negative things about your diet. If you like a diet, if it works for you, and it’s not dangerous, then go ahead and use it. Every single diet will have its success stories. You’ll also want to think about what you’re going to do in the future once you get tired of drinking diet coffee/having a shake instead of a meal/are broke from buying all sorts of supplements. For long term success, you should be changing your diet and lifestyle as well as taking a supplement.

Valentus Slim Roast Coffee was brought to my attention the other day and I thought I’d check it out. You know, just in case any of you were thinking of trying to lose weight using ‘The healthiest coffee on the planet!’ (their words, not mine)

SlimRoast is a relatively new product, and is sold by – what a shocker – MLM. So soon enough, you’ll probably find your Facebook feed clogged by people trying to sell it to you. Get ready to block a bunch of people!

There hasn’t been any research done on SlimRoast that I can find, but of course there are plenty of testimonials on the Valentus site! YAY!

The best thing about testimonials is all the laughs I get when I read them.

Listen, if you’d like to believe that someone who spells the word ‘tough’ as ‘tuff’ is legit and a good source of information, that’s your choice. Besides the ‘tuff’ testimonial (which was my fave, naturally), there are other ones that describe crazy fast weight loss without making any changes besides adding SlimRoast. Really? Are they sure, because that doesn’t make much sense. You know, like, physiologically. Science? Much?

Predictably, there are also people on there describing how great it is to be a part of the Valentus ‘family’! Because MLM is SO dependable for income, right?

What is SlimRoast?

Slim Roast looks like a packet of instant coffee that you dissolve in hot water. It has 20 calories per serving and not really much else.

Valentus would disagree with me, because according to the company, SlimRoast offers these benefits:

Formulated with natural appetite suppressants, feel good ingredients and detox components SlimROAST is a great addition to your weight management program. Not only will you find managing your weight with SlimROAST will produce exciting results, but you will love the taste of this delicious Italian dark roast coffee.

Managing my weight with SlimRoast will ‘produce exciting results’? I’m so excited! Can you tell?

Many people believe that coffee is an natural appetite suppressant, which it may be – but some research shows that decaffeinated coffee (surprise!) controls appetite far better than caffeinated coffee does.

So what then are the ‘appetite suppressants’ that Valentus claims to have in SlimRoast? And the detox components? Because you all know how I feel about ‘detoxing’, right?

Let’s take a closer look at this product.

The recommended ‘dose’ of SlimRoast is 2 packets a day. Sounds easy enough, if you like the taste of instant coffee. No judgement! Compared to some diet programs I’ve reviewed, this one is simple, and doesn’t require the purchase of a million pills and crap like that. And the taste of SlimRoast, compared to say, Shakeology, would probably be incredible. Once you taste Shakeology you’ll know what I mean.

Valentus SlimRoast has, of course, coffee, and the following ingredients (along with my assessment of each one for weight management/detox):

Chlorogenic Acid: SlimRoast claims that chlorogenic acid is a ‘powerful thermogenic fat burner’. Except no, it’s actually not. Just because most laypeople have no idea what thermogenesis is doesn’t mean that companies should continue to use it to sell supplements. It sounds good, but only until you realize that Valentus is actually is making a claim that doesn’t really hold water.

Otherwise known as the active ingredient in green coffee bean extract, chlorogenic acid may have a minor effect on blood glucose control. Minor, people.

For weight control? The studies aren’t so great. And by ‘aren’t so great’ I mean small and poorly done, with inconsistent results – which is pretty much one step up from ‘no studies at all’.

Garcinia Cambogia 95%: Okay. Haven’t we talked enough about garcinia? Seriously!

SlimRoast claims that garcinia increases ‘fat burning’. I’m really starting to hate that term, because it’s ubiquitous and it means nothing when you’re referring to dietary supplements. No food and no supplement burns fat. Let’s get that straight once and for all!!

In humans (because a lot of the garcinia studies are done on rats, and you’re not a rat), garcinia’s effect on weight loss isn’t proven. Studies have been short-term, small, and poorly done. Dr. Oz got reamed out in Congress for promoting garcinia and green coffee bean. That happened because they don’t work for weight loss/fat burning/whatever else weight-related like these companies want you to believe they do. In other words, move on.

Phaseolamin: Phaseolamin is a ‘proteinaceous inhibitor of alpha-amylase’. In other words, phaseolamin, which is made from white beans, may inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates in your diet. Less carbohydrates (or any nutrient) equals less calories, which theoretically results in weight loss over time.

Studies have shown that white bean extract may play a part in weight control, but it’s certainly not a magic bullet, and potency is unreliable. If you’re interested in this ingredient, I’d check out this article about it.

I question whether SlimRoast contains enough phaseolamin to even have a starch-inhibiting effect.

Cassiolamine: SlimRoast claims that cassiolamine, ‘a multi-flavonoid compound’, inhibits fat absorption and blocks carbohydrates. That sounds all science-y and stuff, but there is no research about it whatsoever (red flag) and when I search ‘cassiolamine’ on the internet, all that pops up are disreputable sites trying to sell it or promote it. Want to get your information from a site called ‘tight assets’? Go right ahead. But for now, let’s just say there’s a big fat ZERO for this ingredient.

Remember: if it worked, it wouldn’t be marketed by shady websites. If it worked, everyone would be at their ideal weight.

Green Tea 100:1 Extract: Green tea contains a compound called ECGC, which has been shown to have health benefits. However, Valentus doesn’t put green tea extract into SlimRoast for the ECGC (which is just as well, since SlimRoast probably wouldn’t contain enough of the compound to make much of a difference in your health). The green tea extract in SlimRoast is there for its caffeine content, which SlimRoast says increases urine output and increases mental alertness. Wow, SlimRoast! You got that right!

But wait – can’t you just have a cheap cup of coffee and get the same effect? You betcha! So that’s that.

Ginseng 100:1 Extract: SlimRoast’s super-entertaining description of the benefits of ginseng is this:

Most young people these days are beginning to look and feel older, in some cases even hitting puberty far earlier than was the norm even one generation earlier. Ginseng is known to combat the free radicals that give the human skin mantle that look of premature aging. Valentus’ pure 100:1 extract works extremely well when combined with our other proprietary ingredients. This root is an immune system balancing, super supplement that should be admired by all.

Let’s start by saying that even though I don’t have definitive research to back myself up, I would say that ‘young people’ in this generation actually look and feel younger than generations before them. They have access to better healthcare, more health information, and do less manual labor/have more conveniences than ever before. They hit puberty earlier perhaps due to various reasons, but what does that have to do with anything? Weird.

The science says that ginseng may have a minor effect on alertness. In rats, it enhanced learning. You’re not a rat. And as far as making you look and feel younger? Uh. Better start eating fruits and vegetables, using sunscreen and going to bed earlier! Although there are plenty of short (read: not long enough to determine the actual benefits) and rat (and here among many others) research studies that show ginseng has antioxidant properties, you can also get lots of antioxidants without ginseng. The process is called ‘eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables’. Consume any of those recently? It’s also important to note that normal coffee has beneficial antioxidants, too!

We also have no idea which type (there are a few) of ginseng is even in SlimRoast, because the company doesn’t disclose that.

Just because a company has a ‘proprietary blend’ of ingredients doesn’t mean it’s on to something secret and special. All it means is that you’re not going to ever know how much of each ingredient is in the drug. Anyone can have a proprietary blend of anything. Your gramma’s secret chocolate chip cookies? There’s a proprietary blend worth having.

L-Carnitine with Chromium: Valentus says this about carnitine and chromium:

A lack of chromium could cause fluctuating blood-sugar levels which trigger sugar cravings. As a carbohydrate dependent society, increasing the amount of L-Carnitine & Chromium in our diet in our formula’s proportions will assist the body’s ability to manage its carbohydrate cravings and, in turn, assist with a successful weight management protocol.

Do people usually lack chromium? Not really. Chromium deficiency is rare – most of us get enough, and being ‘a carbohydrate-dependent society’ should actually help with chromium intake, since the element is found in GRAINS (as well as egg yolk, meat, nuts, green beans, and broccoli among other foods). If you eat a balanced diet, you should be getting enough chromium already. Helloooo, Valentus! Wake up!

L-carnitine has a lot of very minor effects on health, but reducing carbohydrate cravings doesn’t happen to be one of them. Unless you have a genetic or other issue that affects your carnitine absorption, a balanced diet should give you more than enough carnitine. Vegans may need to supplement simply because carnitine is found mainly in animal products; however, this has nothing to do with the purpose that finds carnitine in SlimRoast.

It’s also important to note this: even if any of the above ingredients are efficacious in controlling weight, does SlimRoast contain enough of the ingredient to even have an effect?

Think about the delivery system (and this goes for weight loss drinks, too) – the company is essentially fortifying coffee with these ingredients, but how much of them can be added to the coffee without affecting flavor, texture, solubility, and appearance? Probably not whole a heck of a lot.

Valentus doesn’t provide the actual amounts of any of the above ingredients in their product, so we can only guess how much garcinia, for example, they’ve managed to ram into one packet of instant coffee.

I don’t know about you, but I like to actually know what I’m consuming.

In Short:

Valentus SlimRoast has zero research proving it works. Testimonials don’t count.

SlimRoast contains mostly unproven ingredients that likely don’t work – together, or separately – to promote weight loss.

Healthiest coffee on the planet? Not quite.

It’s pretty physiologically impossible to take a supplement and lose weight just from that, without any changes to your diet or activity. So testimonials that make that claim are probably not legit. I promise – when scientists find the magic ingredient that makes people lose weight while they sit on their ass, I’ll let you know. For now though – you’ll need to do the work. Sorry!

Don’t be fooled by talk about proprietary blends and/or ingredients. No one is hiding the world’s best-ever weight-loss secret.

The Bottom Line:

Want the same effect of SlimRoast? Get a Starbucks and eat a balanced diet. Then, smile because you saved money and didn’t buy SlimRoast.

Unfortunately, we can’t really recommend Slimroast Coffee. As far as we can tell, it works just like regular coffee that comes in a much more expensive package. We recommend saving your money and just buying some normal premium coffee without the extra proprietary blends.

How Does Slimroast Coffee Work?

Slimroast Coffee claims it can do all kinds of things, including ridding yourself of cravings increase your energy, support a healthier metabolism, regulate sugar levels, and detox your body. Coffee is already known for being a stimulant that can curb your appetite and give you bursts of energy, so Slimroast is not anything new on that front.

To be completely honest, not many of the ingredients have been clinically tested for their effects on weight loss. Of the ones that have, we could not find much evidence of weight loss effects in human beings.

Many ingredients are known stimulants though which means that if any of Slimroast’s claims are true, that it will give you energy, though it’s not clear if that is a good thing. Moreover, none of the ingredients in Slimroast have been shown to actually increase metabolism or regulate your blood sugar. Unfortunately, it does not seem like many claims of Slimroast bear out, aside from the normal effects of coffee.

Valentus well-known for its weight loss product, Valentus Coffee. Valentus Coffee contains key ingredients, including dark roasted coffee, green coffee bean extract, garcinia cambogia, ginseng, green tea, phaseolamine, natural caffeine, cassiolamine extract, cissus quadrangularis, and chromium and l-carnitine fumarate. Let’s take a look at what these ingredients are for:

Valentus Coffee Review: Everything You Need To Know

Valentus coffee

Let’s face it: When it comes to weight loss, we’ve given every juice, shake, pill, and lotion on the market a try, especially if your Facebook feed includes glowing reviews and before and after pictures of people who have successfully tried it. One particular product that’s been constantly talked about in the fitness and beauty industry is Valentus. But, what’s all the fuss about Valentus products? In this article, we take a look at the company history, ingredients, side effects, and science behind Valentus coffee.

What is Valentus?

From immune system boosters, digestive health, to weight loss products, Valentus offers a wide range of health supplements to choose from. Many of these products fall under the Prevail brand, Valentus, which means ‘prevail’ in Latin.

About the Company

Established in 2014, Valentus, Inc. was founded by Dave Jordan, a multi-level marketing professional. He is also the CEO of the company. The company’s mission is: “From a breakthrough new line of products, to the highest level manufacturing facilities on the planet, to a compensation plan that is unparalleled in the network marketing industry, to our corporate team that represents an unmatched level of leadership and integrity, at VALENTUS our mission is to help people PREVAIL in ALL aspects of their life!”

Valentus Products

You may have come across Valentus juice or Valentus coffee, but they also offer other products that you can choose from. Below is a quick breakdown of other Valentus products.

  • PrevailMAX.
    An oral spray that provides electrolytes to help with proper hydration. Offers nutrients and charges the body’s cells.
  • Prevail Valentus SlimROAST.
    Provides antioxidants, elevates mood, helps control appetite, regulates the body’s fat absorption, balances sugar absorption, and boosts brain health.
  • Prevail Breakthrough AM/PM.
    A 12-day cleanse that detoxifies the body, eliminates toxins and waste from the colon, and promotes a healthy digestive tract.
  • Prevail Trim.
    Helps with body detoxification, appetite suppression, and weight loss.

Valentus Coffee

Valentus well-known for its weight loss product, Valentus Coffee. Valentus Coffee contains key ingredients, including dark roasted coffee, green coffee bean extract, garcinia cambogia, ginseng, green tea, phaseolamine, natural caffeine, cassiolamine extract, cissus quadrangularis, and chromium and l-carnitine fumarate. Let’s take a look at what these ingredients are for:

  • Garcinia Cambogia.
    Also known as Malabar tamarind, garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit and is popular as a weight-loss supplement. People claim it blocks your body’s ability to make fat and it suppresses your appetite .
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract.
    Green coffee bean extract is a natural extract of unroasted coffee beans. It contains chlorogenic acid, which may help with weight management . This ingredient is found in several over-the-counter weight loss supplements.
  • Ginseng.
    According to The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, ginseng is a root extract that’s commonly used in Asian medicine to elevate energy, lower stress levels, promote relaxation, and improve cognitive function . Plus, it contains antioxidants and may help reduce inflammation.
  • Green Tea Extract.
    Also known as camellia sinensis, this plant contains both caffeine and catechins (EGCG), which have been shown to aid with weight loss and promote health.
  • L-carnitine fumarate.
    L-carnitine fumarate is an amino acid that’s commonly used in diet and fitness supplements. It’s found in foods like fish, low-fat pork, chicken breast, and lean beef. It has been said to reduce fatigue, improve muscle mass, and decrease body fat.
  • Cissus quadrangularis.
    Also known as veld grape or devil’s backbone, Cissus quadrangularis is a perennial plant. According to research, it appears to be useful in the management of metabolic syndrome and weight loss .

How to Use Valentus Coffee

Like other Valentus products, Valentus Coffee comes in convenient sachets or packets. Just empty one packet into 4 to 8 ounces of hot or cold water and stir well. You may even add cream or a sweetener if you prefer. Valentus Coffee is supposed to be consumed 30 to 60 minutes before meals, and you need to drink it at least once daily. No more than 2 packets are recommended each day.

Valentus Coffee Side Effects

Some Valentus users experienced certain side effects while taking these products. This may be due to the stimulants present in these supplements and drinks. For instance, the Valentus Coffee contains around 127 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Some reported side effects include:

  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Jitters
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble sleeping

Valentus Coffee Prices

Wondering how much Valentus Coffee costs? Here’s a cost breakdown from

  • Valentus SlimROASTCocoa – ₱146.50
  • Valentus OPTIMUM Dark Roast Coffee – ₱3,450.00
  • Valentus OPTIMUM Dark Roast Coffee (3 tubs of coffee) – ₱8,100.00
  • Valentus ItalianROAST Coffee – ₱3,450.00
  • Valentus BrazilianROAST Coffee – ₱3,450.00

Valentus Coffee Scandal

According to BehindMLM, Advanced Laboratories International, LLC filed a $3.18 million lawsuit against Valentus in March 2016 regarding a coffee shipment . However, this lawsuit had nothing to do with Valentus product safety or the FDA – it was merely a disagreement about the supplier contract agreement. An interesting fact from this lawsuit is the revelation that Valentus only pays around $6 per box of coffee (remember that they sell them for around $60). This may be a factor if you’re deciding if Valentus Coffee is worth the price.

Recently, Valentus was involved in another scandal. In 2019, Valentus was accused by MedSafe of delivering supplements that contains phenethylamine and methylhexanamine (DMAA). Valentus SlimROAST Optimum Dark Roast Coffee (available in sachets and as a powder in a tub) has been tested by Medsafe and was found to contain both phenethylamine and DMAA. Phenethylamine is a class C controlled drug, while methylhexanamine (DMAA) is a prescription medicine. Both New Zealand and Singapore have warned against using some Valentus products for containing these amphetamines.

What Users Are Saying: Valentus Coffee Review Philippines

Here’s what Filipinos are saying about Valentus Coffee :

“Legit, this really works, you really will lose weight if you take this regularly! I tried doing daily exercises and eating pretty clean one week and I didn’t really lose a lot of weight or anything. The following week, I did everything the same but started drinking this and was SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED to see that I was losing a bit of weight every single day! You really need to take it regularly for it to work though so be disciplined in taking it daily. This does not taste great in my opinion so I wouldn’t say it’s a coffee replacement… I just add a bit of warm water and drink it a shot so that it’s over and done with. Tastes kinda gross, but it really works, so it’s worth it IMO!” – Patricia

“Ok so i’ve been taking this coffee once every day. I replaced it with my usual coffee. I took it without expecting that much results since i’m not following a certain diet and i still eat my sweets. Sometimes tho I try to eat less. So anyway, fast forward to like a month, i noticed i lost a few pounds and i compared my first picture to the current one. I’m so happy! But of course you should also workout every now and then like what i did for better results. I think i’ll replace my coffee to this one from now on coz of the health benefits too. I love it. Gonna order my parents too! :)” – Michelle

“So far, it seems to help me. I don’t have so much appetite anymore and can resist temptations better. It is a helper, not a wonder drug, which is fine with me. It also gives me energy during the day, but I run out of steam in the evening. This is also OK with me. I tried to drink two portions per day, but this did not seem to help too much. So, I stick with one portion in the morning. Also, my workouts go better. One thing that I noticed, however I am not sure if this comes from this coffee though: It is a little bit harder for me to urinate. Not so strong of a flow. Possibly my prostate swells up a little bit. It is fine again, when I stop drinking this coffee for a day.” – G. Wetzel

“I started drinking this coffee 9 days ago, and I’ve already lost 5 lbs. It gives me energy, and it curbs my appetite, less craving for sweets. I also feel relaxed throughout the evening, I feel it actually helped control my anxiety too. Overall I’m very happy with this product.” – Darlene B.

“I have been using this since Oct 8. I used to weigh 169lbs and I am 5’6″ tall,never like to exercise, but once in a while I do Zumba, I just follow the one in YouTube, I ate 2 slices of wheat bread with a slice of cheese & this coffee for bfast, water lots & lots of water, lunch time I have myself a yugart and apples, dinner is a cup of white rice (I am a filipino, so rice is a must!)and some fish… I weigh 157.6lbs…. So far so good…satisfied by it! I am now in my second container…” – K.N Minnesota.