ProstaVol Reviews

What is Prostavol’s prostate formula?

As seen above, Prostavol is a leading supplement in the market that claims to help with the symptoms of prostate issues.

Users may appreciate the fact that Prostavol is made from 100% natural ingredients, which means that it is safe to be consumed without the associated risks of side effects, as well as drug interactions with prescription medicine.

The prostate supplement by Prostavol stops one from making frequent trips to the bathroom, experiencing a lower sex drive, as well as difficulty in sitting through an entire movie. The aforementioned symptoms are typical of an enlarged prostate, which the supplement claims to help cure.

With regular ingestion, users should a reduction in their symptoms within thirty days, which is supported by the company’s money-back guarantee.

The benefits of Prostavol can be seen below:

  • Reduce swelling of enlarged prostate
  • More complete emptying of the bladder
  • Improves urine flow
  • No need to wake up frequently during the night
  • No side effects or drug interactions

How does Prostavol’s prostate formula work?

It should be noted that 80% of all men will reportedly experience prostate-related problems by the time one reaches the age of 70, with its onset commonly being experienced in one’s late 40s.

The enlargement of the male’s prostate is caused by a deficiency in testosterone, with men losing approximately 10% of their testosterone levels per year. Testosterone is the key male hormone responsible for managing a variety of bodily functions that range from muscle mass through to hair growth and repair.

A lack of testosterone in one’s body can lead to various symptoms including a feeling of reduced vitality and sexual drive. Testosterone is also important in maintaining one’s erection during intercourse, leading to stronger and more powerful orgasms.

There is a multitude of problems is caused by an enlarged prostate, including urgency, frequency, and waking up in the night needing to urinate.

It may come as reassuring news for shoppers to hear that Prostavol comes with 40% Beta-Sitoserol and Saw Palmetto, which are two potent ingredients that have been used for generations to cure prostate-related issues.

What are the benefits of Prostavol?

The prostate supplement made by Prostavol is one of the few on the market that comes with a 90-day money back guarantee. This is a significant advantage over other pills on the market, with most companies offering only a period of thirty days or less.

However, Prostavol does not come with the assurance of a money-back guarantee period so that users can experiment with the pill without the associated risks of buyer’s remorse and disappointment.

The manufacturer recommends that one takes Prostavol once a day with a large glass of water, and will reportedly have an accumulative effect when taken over a sufficient amount of time. With each bottle of Prostavol containing sixty capsules, it should last the user at least one month of consistent use.

What are people saying about Prostavol?

As one of the leading supplements in the market, there was no shortage of reviews that can be found about the supplement, with many users seen to be singing the praises of the company. The most common compliment that the prostate supplement received was due to how easy it was to purchase and its accessibility.

Users reported seeing results in only two to three weeks of consistent use, while for others it took them a little longer to get their desired results of using Prostavol.

Prostavol was also one of the few supplements on the market that is safe to be taken with prescription medication, which is a clear advantage over other supplements that may cause unwanted drug interactions.

It should be noted however that not all of the feedback about Prostavol was positive in nature. There were some dissenting opinions in the mix about the supplement, with some users claiming that they were disappointed with the results they received.

The other downside to the supplement was that the prostate pill does not come with a free trial. A lack of a free trial incentive could be seen as a significant disadvantage of the pill, with many of its competitors offering a trial to reduce the perceived risk of failure.

The above criticism of Prostavol is largely endemic to the supplement industry as a whole, so it is difficult to take any review, be it positive or negative, purely at face value.

Plant sterols are also present in the second most used ingredient in their blend, saw palmetto. Extracts taken from saw palmetto berries have been shown to be rich in a number of different types of plant sterols, including beta-sitosterol, one of the most potent forms of plant sterols specifically for prostate function.

Prostavol Review

Prostavol is a daily men’s health supplement that is designed to improve the size and performance of their prostate glands. The prostate continues to grow as men age, and it can get to the size that it starts impacting bladder and urethra function in a number of ways.

Prostavol’s advertising says that it can help users more completely empty their bladder each time they use the restroom, which reduces the total number of trips that men have to make overall. They say that it can also improve the strength of men’s urinary streams and relieve feelings of burning and discomfort that can be caused by prostate issues.

The prostate support product that our experts recommend to men that are dealing with inflammation, swelling, and the symptoms of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) is called Prostatrinex. It is a top-rated supplement that has been shown to help restore normal urinary function in its consumers. Click here to see more data about the different ways that Prostatrinex can benefit prostate function and overall wellness.

How Does Prostavol Work?

Prostavol uses a diverse and relatively large selection of ingredients in their proprietary mix. They blend vitamins, minerals, and herbal ingredients in order to help improve urinary function in men.

Prostate issues affect hundreds of millions of men worldwide. It is estimated that by age 40 approximately 40% of all men have experienced some form of problem with their prostate, and that number rises to 95% of men over the age of 85.

There are surgical and prescription options that exist to help alleviate these issues, however, these approaches tend to be more extreme and invasive than necessary. Many men do not want to undergo surgery if other options are available, and prescription medications tend to be both more expensive than herbal supplements and can have more serious side effects in many cases.

Prostavol is an herbal option that has a good selection of basic vitamins and minerals, however, they use substandard quantities of some of the most important ones, including zinc and copper. Our experts recommend that for optimum prostate health readers find a product that has at least 30mg of zinc and 500mcg of copper, however, Prostavol only has 10mg and 200mcg, respectively.

Our experts believe that one of the most effective ways to support the health and function of the prostate is to start at the core, ensuring that it has the basic vitamins and nutrients that it needs in order to stay healthy. This is more effective in the long run than simply trying to treat the symptoms of BPH and other prostate issues, which will only continue to get worse if men do not get the core nutrients necessary to provide the support that men need.

The ingredients that Prostavol uses the largest quantities of are plant sterols, a basic compound found in several different fruits and vegetables that has been shown to have some benefits for reducing the symptoms of prostate enlargement. They chemically mimic cholesterol, and may potentially have some uses for helping to bond with the body’s existent cholesterol, reducing its overall levels in the blood.

Plant sterols are also present in the second most used ingredient in their blend, saw palmetto. Extracts taken from saw palmetto berries have been shown to be rich in a number of different types of plant sterols, including beta-sitosterol, one of the most potent forms of plant sterols specifically for prostate function.

Saw palmetto extract is the single most used herbal prostate health ingredient, and for good reason. It has been very successful for improving the prostate and urinary functions of men for centuries.

It was first cultivated by the Seminole tribe in Southern Florida who made a health tonic of the berries, which they used to help stimulate and improve urinary function, particularly in older men. Since then it has been studied clinically for a variety of uses, and it has established a reputation as one of the most scientifically trusted herbal remedies currently known.

Saw palmetto can also help to soothe inflammation, which is one of the factors in prostate size, and may even restore sexual function in some men with specific types of erectile dysfunction. If the prostate gets too large, it can start to put pressure on the nerves that connect the brain to the genitals, which can disrupt communicative function and lead to an inability to properly achieve and maintain rigidity.

Potential Benefits of Prostavol

Men that take Prostavol will probably not see any immediate benefits, however, after several weeks or months of regular use, it is very possible that men will see improvement in the health and functionality of their prostate, which also can improve the health and functionality of users’ bladders and urethras.

Men with BPH may notice a reduction in their symptoms, including improved strength and consistency of urinary stream, less pain, irritation, or burning when urinating, and fewer trips to the bathroom overall. Men may also see a reduction in urine trapped in their urethras, which can be both socially embarrassing and physically uncomfortable.

Men that have experienced ED issues due to nerve pressure related to the prostate may see restored erectile function, though it should not be considered an erectile “booster” like L-Arginine or maca root. Other benefits that it is possible that men taking Prostavol will see include improved hair strength and texture, skin and immune health, and a general sense of relaxation.

Are There Side Effects of Prostavol?

With as many ingredients as there are in Prostavol, it is still considered relatively mild and unlikely to cause extreme negative reactions in its users in either the short- or long-term. It is always possible that some users could have digestive issues with Prostavol, and there are some ingredients in their mix that are potential allergens. Users with severe forms of allergies should consult with their doctors about whether or not Prostavol is safe for their uses specifically.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this pill with a proven prostate support pill such as Prostatrinex for better results

How to Buy Prostavol

Prostavol is available through some sites online, however, there are very few physical retailers that carry their product. Some sites that used to carry their product no longer do, and their ratings are not as high as our experts would expect from a product with this ingredients blend.

They only have a 2.5/5-star overall average on Amazon, and the most frequent rating was one star. Despite that, Prostavol is still relatively expensive when compared with other products of this nature. Here are the most recent prices that were being quoted for Prostavol on their website:

  • 1, 60-count bottle (30-day supply) of Prostavol prostate support capsules: $39.95
  • 3, 60-count bottles (90-day supply) of Prostavol prostate support capsules: $79.95
  • 9, 60-count bottle (270-day supply) of Prostavol prostate support capsules: $159.95
Our Recommendation

Prostavol has a very respectable blend of proprietary ingredients based around saw palmetto and a sizeable amount of plant sterols. They also have an extensive and sophisticated blend of secondary ingredients in their product as well, including pygeum, green tea leaf, stinging nettle, and other additives that our team of experts conceded were helpful for bladder and urinary function.

However they also have some issues with the reviews form their past customers, who have not rated Prostavol highly. As low as these ratings are, however, many of them may be faked by the company themselves in an effort to make their product seem more respectable.

The consumer watchdog group Fakespot found that as many as 20% of the product’s 5-star reviews are not genuine. This creates even further doubt in our experts’ minds about whether or not Prostavol will be able to live up to their claims about their effectiveness.

Overall, most male users with prostate struggles will probably see some form of improvement, though in many cases those improvements are so small that users may not even be aware of it. Urinary function may see some increases, while urinary frequency should decrease, and users should see fewer incidents of urine becoming trapped in the urethra.

As effective as Prostavol may be, our experts believe that Prostatrinex is even more effective. The two products have some remarkable similarities in their proprietary blends, however, Prostatrinex includes more helpful secondary ingredients and larger doses of their primary ingredients.

Prostatrinex has a superior blend of basic nutrients as well, including larger doses of both copper and zinc – two of the most effective core ingredients for prostate health overall. Click here to learn more about how Prostatrinex developed its blend and the types of benefits that users will be able to expect.

(1) Cold, Flu & Cough, Eye Health, and Heart Disease. 2019. “Beta-Sitosterol: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, And Warning”. Webmd.Com. Accessed February 27 2019.

Prostate Support

Prostavol was designed to relieve the pressure and discomfort that comes from having an enlarged prostate.

Supporting your prostate health will allow for more complete emptying of your bladder, reducing the number of times you need to run to the restroom each day. You’ll get a better night’s rest and have more energy to tackle your day. Plus, Prostavol is side effect free — this formula is a real win-win.