Phenta-XT Reviews

However, it has to be said that the claim that this product does not cause jitters is entirely unsubstantiated.

Phenta XT Review

Phenta XT Review

Phenta XT is a weight loss supplement produced by Genetech Pharma Labs which works for 12 hours on one dose.

The product claims you’ll be able to lose weight by burning calories with increased metabolism. In addition, you’ll be able to minimize emotional eating with its appetite suppressing formula.

And the formula includes energizing properties so you’ll be able to train harder with improved strength allowing you to build lean muscle.

Not just that Phenta XT also contains ingredients that help you raise your mood and promote well-being.

All sounds great. It’s also claimed that Phenta XT does all of this without giving you the jitters. That is certainly a common side-effect you’ll experience while taking other similar products.


Phenta XT contains stimulants in droves so if you’re sensitive to stimulants such as and including caffeine, then stay clear of Phenta XT.

It’s not as easy as heading straight to Amazon to pick up Phenta XT. Online stockists are limited. You can find the product at Newco Sports Nutrition or at Bodyshock Pro. At either store you’ll find a 45 day supply costs around $45.

Science (Or Lack Of) and How does Phenta XT Product work?

Phenta XT contains a plethora of ingredients that dieters will be familiar with. In the energy matrix, you’ll find the likes of:

  • Caffeine
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Coco Bean Extract
  • Synephrine
  • Hordenine
  • Hoodia Gordonii
  • Beta-Phenylethylamine
  • Octopamine

In the thermos matrix, there is geranium along with other ingredients. And you’ll find goodies like 5-Hydroxytryptophan and B vitamins in the neurotropic matrix.

It’s all these ingredients combined that aid in increased metabolism, suppressed appetite, and energy boost.

However, it has to be said that the claim that this product does not cause jitters is entirely unsubstantiated.

I don’t particularly understand how a company that sells a product jam packed full of caffeine and other stimulants can make a sensible claim that people don’t experience sleeplessness and jitters.

However, the fact that the take the pill in the morning, hopefully, you will have worn yourself out from jittering all day to get a good night’s sleep?

In terms of determining whether a product is effective, consumer reviews are well, the bread-and-butter of my work.

Sadly there aren’t any customer reviews of this product to either analyze or report on. Phenta XT is not available on Amazon and it’s out of stock on eBay with no reviews, either.

So, all I can do is make an educated guess on the facts I do have.

Now here’s the thing. I don’t dispute that this product has a heap of do-you-good ingredients that are known to be effective or at least beneficial. But I’m talking about the likes of geranium and hoodia gordonia.

I’ll take my caffeine (and plenty of it) in my cappuccino, thanks. Not my diet supplements.

I’m not sure as to why caffeine has to be in this product? It’s presence really takes away from the overall product which has many herbal ingredients. I might actually be able to answer that question myself if only I were to know what amounts of the caffeine and other ingredients being used in Phenta XT were.

Annoyingly many companies will tie up all their ingredients together in a so-called matrix in order to get away from telling you how MUCH cheap caffeine there is. And how little of other quality ingredients the product contains.

Phenocal is an all-natural diet supplement that provides multiple benefits for individuals who want to lose weight quickly and safely. There are numerous brands of diet pills on the market that make all kinds of promises, but from the products we reviewed, only Phenocal did exactly what it claimed, which is to not only help consumers reach their weight loss goals easily but ensure that they keep the weight off over the long-term for an overall improvement in levels of health and fitness.

Overview Of Phenta XT

Overweight and obesity are linked to many health disorders, and maintaining a healthy weight reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases, blood sugar, joint pain, infertility, and sleep disorders.

However, losing weight and maintaining it isn’t an easy task. Enter weight loss supplements. Weight loss supplements come with a long list of commitments. Though without FDA approval, many turn to weight loss supplements for fast weight loss.

Phenta XT is a fat burner that guarantees to kick start the metabolism and initiate fast fat burning. Here, we evaluate the Phenta XT composition, how it works and its potency, and what users write in Phenta XT Reviews.

Things started off great. I lost 18 lbs in 3 months. I had to stop taking it 2 weeks prior to a colonoscopy. Once I restarted I had 3 fecal impactions in a 2 week period, the last so painful I was this close to going to the ER (I doubled up on laxatives which helped), red itchy hives on my neck, dizziness, night sweats so bad I would have to shower and change clothes in the middle of the night and then again in the morning, AND pancreatitis. I stooped for 10 days and all my symptoms disappeared . But now my appetite is returning so I’m going to try a 1/2 pill a couple times a week and see how that goes. Read More Read Less

GPL Phenta XT 45c

GPL Phenta XT 45c

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule in the morning. Do not exceed 1 capsule daily!

PHENTA XT from GeneTech Pharma Labs (GPL) is an improved version of the popular PHENT-A-DREXX, which was developed to help reduce body fat and sculpt the body, creating a lean athletic structure.

It is a powerful tablet that suppresses appetite, which can help you lose weight quickly. The primary purpose of this fat burner is to provide extra energy while helping to reduce hunger so that you can build lean muscle mass or quickly reduce weight. With the acceleration of metabolism and the acceleration of calorie expenditure, you can also expect increased strength, so you can train harder and longer. Phenta-XT also contains ingredients that help you raise your mood and promote well-being.

Phenta XT includes, among others:

Geranium– A very strong stimulant. It suppresses the appetite, stimulates the process of reducing adipose tissue, as well as helps in increasing the intensity of training.

3,5-diiodo-L-Tyronine (T2) – accelerate metabolism, increase the overall energy expenditure of the body, accelerate the process of fatty acid oxidation. 3.5-Diiodo L-Thyronine has a much faster metabolic rate than T3 or T4, up to 24 times!

Anhydrous caffeine – the most-known stimulant compound in the world. It has a stimulating effect, lowers the level of Adenosine, inhibits the breakdown of cAMP.

Theobroma Cacao – by inhibiting cAMP degrading phosphodiesterase, increases its concentration, which affects the behavior of clarity of thinking and promotion of the lipolysis process, thanks to which it increases the pool of readily available energy substrate resources. Theobromine also affects the relaxation of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

Hordenine – an amine formed from L-Tyrosine, shows an ephedra-like effect, contributes to the intensification of thermogenic processes, and can also increase the production of dopamine. Thanks to the synergistic combination with caffeine or synephrine, it significantly prolongs the stimulant action without the unwanted effect of a sudden “congress” and a decrease in the energy level. At the same time, it prolongs the time of increased metabolic activity.

Synephrine – Another of the stimulants, which is a perfect complement to caffeine, geranamine. It has specific properties to prolong the lifespan of adrenaline and norepinephrine released previously due to the rest of the substances contained in Phenta-XT.

Octopamine – Octopamine works anti-catabolic, accelerates fat burning, adds energy, sensitizes tissues to insulin and accelerates metabolism.

5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) – used in medicine as an adjuvant to a slight degree treatment of depression and insomnia. Due to the presence of melatonin, improving the quality of sleep also improves regenerative processes. 5-HTP is a component of preparations supporting the production of growth hormone and is part of some fat reducers (limiting appetite).

Choline Bitartrate – a supplement created for people in need of high mental efficiency, great memory, clarity of mind and concentration.

Alpha-Yohimbine, this substance is capable of strongly expanding blood vessels at sites referred to as ‘resistant fat zones’. In women, these regions are mainly thighs, buttocks and lower part of the abdomen, while in men – also around the chest area.

Beta-Phenylethylamine – a naturally occurring fraction in chocolate called the “substance of euphoria and joy”. Phenylethylamine (PEA) increases concentration, gives a feeling of well-being and adds energy.