liquid i v sleep multiplier reviews

liquid i v sleep multiplier reviews

Liquid IV carries four primary products. Each one is available in different flavors.

Liquid IV Review: Pros, Cons, and Is It Worth It?

Liquid IV is a line of electrolyte and glucose enhanced powdered packets that are added to water to boost hydration. There is solid science behind the ingredients in this product, but the primary claim of improving hydration by 2–3x is difficult to substantiate.

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Liquid IV Review: Pros, Cons, and Is It Worth It?

  • May help encourage people to drink more water
  • Contains no allergens
  • Company is involved in many humanitarian projects
  • Each stick contains 11g of sugar, which may be too much for some
  • High in sodium with 22% of the Daily Value per stick
  • Expensive when purchased from the brand’s website

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About Liquid IV

Liquid IV Drink Mix Review

Liquid IV is an electrolyte drink mix that sends hydration and nutrients directly to your bloodstream using Cellular Transport Technology. The drink mix utilizes a combination of sodium, potassium, glucose, and other nutrients, to hydrate cells faster and more efficiently than water does.

Liquid IV ingredients are all non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, and dairy-free. The brand has been featured on Forbes, USA Today, and OK Magazine, and many more business magazines that have reported on the company’s recent sale to Unilever. Liquid IV has over 212k followers on Instagram, and the brand was among the final cuts for the investment show, Shark Tank.

This Liquid IV drink mix review will take a look at the brand, what products they sell, provide customer reviews and ratings, describe how the products work, plus more, to help you decide if you’re interested in Liquid IV.

Liquid IV dosage is straightforward. Simply pour one pack of the multiplier mix into 16 ounces of water, dissolve it, and drink. However, you do not need to consume the entire 16-ounces of water at a go, so you can conveniently carry it in a water bottle.

How Does Liquid IV Work? How Good is the Effect of Liquid IV?

As explained above, Liquid IV typically works by manipulating osmolarity so that water moves toward the bloodstream faster. The CTT mix also increases water’s bioavailability, ensuring that the body absorbs more water than it ordinarily would when you take the same volume of water.

By cutting down the time it takes water to reach target cells, CTT makes you experience instant hydration once you take Liquid IV. However, Liquid IV multipliers feature more ingredients than CTT to help you reap more hydration benefits. You can find out how the secondary Liquid IV multiplier ingredients in each product work to improve your overall wellbeing.

The Hydration Multiplier

The hydration multiplier is Liquid IV’s manufacturer’s premium product formulated to facilitate water intake efficiency. However, it also features four of the nine water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C.

While hydration is important, taking too much water causes electrolyte imbalance, which leads to water retention issues. Such issues include water weight (swelling in the abdomen, arms, and legs due to water retention, breathing difficulties, and stress of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, the B vitamins flush out excess water to avoid water retention.

The Hydration Multiplier

The Energy Multiplier

Liquid IV’s tagline is “Fueling life’s Adventures,” and true to the slogan, they feature an energy-boosting hydration mix in their product catalog. Besides the CTT mix, Liquid IV’s energy multiplier mix also features herbal remedies with a stimulant effect.

These energy-boosting herbal remedies, matcha, guayusa, and ginger, cumulatively contain approximately 100mg of caffeine for physical and mental stimulation. Therefore, the Liquid IV energy multiplier is the ideal hydration and electrolyte mix for when you need a pick-me-up.

The Sleep Multiplier

Liquid IV’s sleep multiplier variant features the CCT mix alongside natural sleep aids. The motivation behind the creation of this Liquid IV formula is the cause-and-effect relationship between hydration and sleep.

Research studies show that sleep helps regulate fluid levels in the body; consequently, inadequate sleep causes dehydration. Second, dehydration also affects sleep patterns, leading to multiple sleep disorders and other health issues.

Therefore, Liquid IV’s sleep multipliers feature L-theanine, melatonin, and valerian root alongside the CTT mix. As earlier stated, L-theanine facilitates restful sleep while Valerian root is an herb with robust anxiolytic (relaxation) effects.

Melatonin is a naturally-occurring hormone that mediates in the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). However, it is also available in supplement form, extracted from animals or made synthetically, to help treat sleep issues. The three ingredients work in tandem to facilitate restful sleep, allowing the body to heal and maintain optimum water levels.

Immune Support

Optimum hydration and a robust immune system go hand-in-hand, hence the formulation of Liquid IV’s immune support variant. The immune support hydration mix features 504mg of vitamin C, 10.4mgf of zinc, and a proprietary ingredient called wellmune.

Immune cell synthesis occurs in the lymphatic system, and dehydration slows lymph flow, impeding healthy immune cells formation. Second, the lymphatic system is 96% water used to flush out toxins. By restricting the lymphatic flow, dehydration slows the rate at which the body flushes toxins.

Therefore, the CTT mix in Liquid IV’s immune support mix helps rid the body of potentially harmful toxins. Besides that, the Vitamin C and zinc in the mix are essential compounds in normal immune cell synthesis and function. Therefore, the blend helps maintain the immune system’s optimal capacity to fight infections and keep the body healthy.

Each Liquid IV hydration drink multiplier works slightly differently to deliver a secondary hydration benefit. However, each of them works for any individual whose primary purpose is staying hydrated.

Liquid IV Clinical Studies And Evaluation Results 2021: Is Liquid IV Safe to Use?

Liquid IV manufacture’s medical director, Dr. Brad Thomas M.D., vouches for the above product’s efficacy in improving hydration. He presents various World Health Organization (WHO) studies on oral rehydration solutions (ORS), allowing consumers to verify that Liquid IV follows WHO’s guidelines for ORS production. However, there are no publicly accessible independent lab certificates of analysis to validate either the production process or the product’s efficacy.

However, individuals on low-sodium and sugar-free diets may have reservations about the CTT mix’s glucose and sodium content. While their quantities do not breach RDA, they are on the higher side. As a precaution, you also need to consider your mineral intake from food sources to avoid exceeding the RDA for the above minerals.

How Do You Use Liquid IV? Our Dosage recommendation:

Liquid IV dosage is straightforward. Simply pour one pack of the multiplier mix into 16 ounces of water, dissolve it, and drink. However, you do not need to consume the entire 16-ounces of water at a go, so you can conveniently carry it in a water bottle.

“Water needs to have a balanced level of electrolytes to promote hydration,” he told us. “Potassium and sodium provide communication pathways on a molecular level to allow hydration to take place.”

Published on: Jan 18, 2020

Being dehydrated puts you at risk for many health problems, and sometimes it feels like you can’t drink water fast enough to get back to normal.

Liquid I.V. is a powdered drink brand that sells three products it claims each utilize its proprietary science of Cellular Transport Technology (CTT) to hydrate your bloodstream more efficiently than possible from drinking water alone. The company sells one product focused on hydration as well as two others that boost your energy levels and improve sleep quality.

These beverages are categorized as Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS), which means that they contain an optimized ratio of electrolytes (sodium and potassium), glucose, and water. The main idea is that ORS act as an active transport mechanism to deliver water and nutrients into your bloodstream quickly and with less waste.

The company’s main product, Hydration Multiplier, purportedly contains three times the electrolytes and half the sugar and calories of traditional sports drinks, and it promises to be as effective for hydration as two to three times the amount of pure water.

Are these claims just marketing hype to get you to spend a premium on a product that works like water? Read through our analysis here to learn whether Liquid I.V. products might make sense for you.

What Is Cellular Transport Technology?

To start, let’s define what the company means by Cellular Transport Technology. This is a term unique to Liquid I.V. that it uses to describe the process that all oral rehydration solutions trigger, which works as follows:

When regular beverages pass through your digestive system, you lose some of their benefits because your body can’t absorb everything in time. Liquid I.V., in contrast, claims that its ratio of electrolytes to sugar (sodium, glucose, and potassium), creates an osmotic force where molecules can pass through one membrane into your body.

In other words, your body absorbs more of the water molecules and nutrients than otherwise possible and does so earlier in the digestive process. This leads to faster absorption of the beneficial ingredients.

Michael Trotter, a board-certified urologist with a private practice in Austin, Texas, shared his insight on the benefits of this supercharged hydration strategy.

“Water needs to have a balanced level of electrolytes to promote hydration,” he told us. “Potassium and sodium provide communication pathways on a molecular level to allow hydration to take place.”

In Dr. Trotter’s view, Liquid I.V. beverages can be valuable for many people. “Drinking more water is not necessarily beneficial to individuals; drinking your water smartly, aka with electrolytes, is highly recommended.”

However, he warned us that not all electrolyte supplements are equal.

“Some are poorly absorbed; others are also not ideal for specific individuals. [For example] sodium is a key electrolyte in hydration but is not suitable in large quantities for individuals who form kidney stones. This subset of the population needs to limit their sodium intake to reduce their risk of stone formation.”

Key Takeaway: “Cellular Transport Technology” is a fancy word for the natural rehydration properties of all oral rehydration solutions. Drinking beverages with similar ratios of electrolytes and sugars should help you hydrate more efficiently than with water alone.

What Products Are Available from Liquid I.V.?

Liquid I.V. currently sells the following three powdered drink mixes:

Hydration Multiplier

The Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier is the company’s most popular drink. It’s formulated as a non-GMO electrolyte drink that uses Cellular Transport Technology (CTT)™ to delivers hydrating benefits to your bloodstream faster and more efficiently than if you drank water alone.

The company claims a single packet contains three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks and that it will provide your body with the same level of hydration as drinking two to three bottles of water.

Directions: Add one powder packet to your preferred amount of cold water (the company suggests 16 oz) and drink when in need of hydration, especially after a workout, while traveling, or when recovering from illness.*

Flavors: passion fruit, lemon-lime, acai berry


Size Subscription Pricing Non-Subscription Pricing
16-pack NA $24.47
32-pack $40 $45.12
64-pack $80 $83.20
96-pack $120 $120

Energy Multiplier

This powdered drink mix contains a blend of matcha tea, guayusa, and ginger and claims to deliver roughly 100mg of caffeine per serving, which is equivalent to an 8-oz serving of coffee.

According to the company, these ingredients benefit from Cellular Transport Technology and are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream to give you energy without a crash. The drink is also high in antioxidants and the amino acid L-Theanine, which improves mood and focus.

Directions: Add one stick to your preferred amount of cold water (the company suggests 12-ounces). Drink whenever you need some sustained energy for several hours. The company recommends starting with one serving to see how your body reacts to the caffeine and scaling up from there.

Flavor: Lemon Ginger


Size Subscription Pricing Non-Subscription Pricing
10-pack $19.99 $23.99
20-pack $39.98 $45.98
30-pack $59.97 $65.97

Sleep Multiplier

This nighttime drink uses Cellular Transport Technology to deliver its natural Sleep Blend to your bloodstream for better sleep. This blend contains melatonin, L-theanine, and valerian root for a fast-acting sleep aid that doesn’t have any side effects.

Directions: Dissolve one packet in your preferred amount of water (8-oz is suggested), and drink 15-30 minutes before bed.

Flavors: Blueberry pomegranate


Size Subscription Pricing Non-Subscription Pricing
10-pack $19.99 $23.99
20-pack $39.98 $45.98
30-pack $59.97 $65.97

It’s possible to drink all Liquid I.V. beverages chilled, hot, or frozen as a popsicle. If you store a mix in the fridge, make sure you drink it within 48 hours.

Analysis of Ingredients

Each Liquid I.V. drink powder contains different ingredients, and we’ve highlighted information about the most important ones here.


These minerals in your body have an electrical charge, and they are crucial for balancing your body’s pH levels and the amount of water in your cells. The primary electrolytes found in Liquid I.V. are sodium and potassium, and they ionize when dissolved in liquids like water.

Taking in enough electrolytes ensures you stay hydrated. Dr. Trotter shared the results of a 2015 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that found that drinks containing some form of nutrition promoted a higher level of hydration than water alone.

Glucose (Sugar)

Considered a critical component in Liquid I.V.’s Cellular Transport Technology, glucose pairs with electrolytes to help your cells absorb more water. The company states that all sugar in its drinks is there for function, not for taste.

Matcha Tea

Made from powdered green tea leaves, matcha is high in antioxidants and caffeine. Thanks to its l-theanine content, the beverage is renowned for providing users with sustained energy that doesn’t lead to a jittery feeling or a caffeine crash, as is common with coffee.


This holly tree is native to the Amazon Rainforest and it is naturally caffeinated. The leaves are often used in teas for their stimulating effects and ability to boost concentration.

Valerian Powder

Often called “nature’s Valium,” valerian root is frequently added to natural sleep aids to create a state of relaxation and improve sleep quality. It works as a sedative and by regulating nerve impulses in your brain so that you get a break from anxious thoughts.

Research shows that valerian root can improve sleep for people with insomnia as effectively as benzodiazepines and other sleeping medications. For the best benefits, you need to take between 400-900mg 30 minutes before sleeping. (One serving of Sleep Multiplier contains 175mg).


Your brain’s pineal gland makes this natural hormone, and it tells your body when it’s time to retire for the night. By taking supplements with melatonin, you can make yourself tired before bed so you sleep better.

Research shows that between 0.2 to 5mgs is an optimal dose of melatonin for adults. By comparison, Sleep Multiplier contains 3mg per serving.

Key Takeaways

The primary ingredients in Liquid I.V. powdered drinks show promise for boosting hydration, increasing your energy, and helping you fall asleep. However, most of these ingredients are commonly used in similar products, and nothing stands out for offering exceptional benefits, despite the company’s claims of utilizing innovative technology to deliver them to your cells.

Possible Side Effects

We couldn’t find any negative side effects associated with Liquid I.V. products. The company claims that each product is safe for daily use, even during pregnancy.

Though it’s possible to over-hydrate, those who don’t have a history with kidney or liver disease and aren’t extreme athletes aren’t putting themselves at any serious risk.

Taking too much melatonin can also pose risks, but you’ll need to ingest more than 30-mg at a time qualify. That’s equivalent to ten packets of Sleep Multiplier in one night.

Ways to Buy Liquid I.V.

Liquid I.V. powdered drink mixes are currently sold on the company website and through different retailers like Amazon and Costco.

You can take advantage of a Subscribe and Save program if you purchase directly from the company. This gives you a cost savings of up to 25% off each serving, and you can choose whether you want deliveries monthly or every other month.

Once you sign up, you can change, pause, or cancel your subscription at any time without question through your online account.

Shipping is free for all orders, subscription or otherwise.

The company offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for all orders.

Analysis of Customer Reviews

Note: We weren’t able to find many verified reviews for Energy Multiplier, so this section doesn’t represent that product.

  • Hydration Multiplier Can Fight Off Extreme Dehydration
  • Reduced Headaches
  • Didn’t Like the Stevia/ Sugar Content
  • Sleep Formula Works as Promised
  • Works to Reduce Leg Cramps
  • Great Hangover Cure
  • Bad Taste, Expensive for Benefits

Key Takeaways

Liquid I.V. drinks earn high reviews from users, and they seem to be most beneficial for those in situations where they are sleep deprived or chronically dehydrated. If you already drink lots of water, you might not experience enough benefit to justify the cost.

The Bottom Line

Liquid I.V. powdered drink mixes earn excellent reviews online, and are an effective way to stay hydrated and help your body absorb more nutrients per serving.

While the Hydration Maximizer is likely overkill for most people on a regular day, it may be a useful aid for anyone dealing with extreme dehydration due to medical issues, athletic pursuits, excessive drinking, or travel.

Board Certified Urologist Dr. Trotter believes that Liquid I.V. Hydration Maximizer makes sense for many individuals.

I am very familiar with Liquid I.V. products, and believe it is an excellent product depending on an individual's health profile,” he concluded. “I would encourage readers to explore all of the great hydration products in the marketplace and find the one that fits their health profile.”

You will experience similar, but more indirect hydration benefits from taking Energy Maximizer. We couldn’t find much evidence of benefits with this product beyond a caffeine boost, so you might be happier sticking with a regular tea or coffee.

Finally, if you decide to try Liquid I.V products, keep in mind that they won’t act as a substitute for water. You will still need to drink between 11.5-15.5 cups per day to ensure you’re staying hydrated.

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