Driftoff Reviews

We’ve grouped both of these ingredients together as they both offer the same sort of assistance. Both of these ingredients contain apigenin.

This is our Driftoff Premium Sleep Aid review, a supplement with claims to promote:

  • Deeper Sleep
  • Longer Sleep
  • Faster Onset Sleep

But how well will it perform for you?

In this review, we look closer at this supplement to see how effective it really is.

This is what we’ve found:

Bottle of Driftoff Premium Sleep Aid

Below you’ll find some of the most effective all natural sleep aid formulations on the market today, in our opinion.

Overview Of Driftoff

Driftoff claims to stop the ‘’stressful moment replay reel,’’ which could often keep you turning and tossing throughout the night. The major things that could keep you up all night are stress and anxiety – you may lie there even for hours worrying about the next day’s work, lifestyle challenges, and so on.

Most people go to sleep with their heads full of heavy thoughts and so they could not fall asleep. When they finally do, every little quiver or voice wakes them up.

Driftoff claims to be a non-habit-forming relaxation support supplement that includes a calming herbal blend of adaptogens that may reduce anxiety, support healthy sleep cycles, and help you fall asleep easier, stay asleep longer, and wake up energized and refreshed without the hangover.

In this writing, learn more about this product, including Driftoff Reviews from earlier buyers.

“For the first couple of nights it worked, but gradually it became less effective and I was only getting a couple of hours of sleep a night.”

Driftoff Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

Driftoff is a natural sleep aid that is designed to help calm anxiety and restlessness, and allow the user to drift peacefully into a restful sleep. The product also states that it will allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and without any sort of hangover effect that can come with other sleep aids.

The product is sold in bottles containing 60 veggie capsules that are intended to be taken two at a time with a glass of water, approximately 20 to 30 minutes prior to going to bed. Each bottle should be about a monthly supply.

For those who are having trouble getting to sleep or remaining asleep, Fenotrex has been named as the top sleep aid on the market currently. It was evaluated along with hundreds of other sleep supplements by a group of review experts, and it was found that Fenotrex features the strongest consumer reviews and the most potent blend of ingredients. If you would like to learn more about Fenotrex and what it can do for you, then just click here.

Do You Know the Best Sleep Aids of 2022 ?.

Driftoff Ingredients and Side Effects

The website for the product offers a full list of ingredients that are used, along with a clear look at the supplement facts label, that allows the consumer to view the specific dosage information for each ingredient. This sort of transparency is important because it allows the user to be informed as to what exactly they are putting into their bodies.

Here are all the ingredients that are used in the product:

Valerian Root Extract Tryptophan Passion Flower Extract Hops Extract
GABA Chamomile Extract Lemon Balm Extract Melatonin

GABA: A chemical that is made in the brain and can also be taken as a supplement. It is generally used to relieve anxiety, improve mood, and treat ADHD. Additionally, it can also help to burn fat, lower blood pressure, and develop lean muscles. It can block neurotransmitters within the brain that allows the nerves within the body to relax.

Lemon Balm: An herb from the mint family, it is used to make medicine. It can be used for treating digestive issue, bloating, flatulence, and an upset stomach. Additionally, it has a calming effect, so it is included in many sleep aids for its ability to reduce anxiety, restlessness, and stress. It is also used to prevent and combat Alzheimer’s disease. The balm contains a chemical that acts as a sedative, which make it affective in sleep aids.

Passion Flower Extract: A flower whose above ground parts are used to make medicine. It can treat several different symptoms and has many uses, but is mostly used to treat sleep problems. The chemicals within the plant are calming and can induce sleep while also relaxing muscles and preventing them from spasming. Additionally, it can be used to treat seizures, ADHD, irregular heartbeat, and is also used for flavoring in beverages.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven sleep aid such as Fenotrex for better results.

Driftoff Quality of Ingredients

Driftoff utilizes several quality ingredients in its blend, as melatonin, GABA, and Valerian Root are all ingredients that have been shown to be effective in treating sleep issues, though the formula is lacking in some respects. The formula seems mostly focused on relieving stress and anxiety and allowing the user to clear their mind and fall asleep peacefully. It seems that the product is effective in that respect, but there is not much included within the formula that will help the user to stay asleep throughout the night, which can lead to waking up at odd hours and inconsistent sleep patterns.

We are also concerned over the dosages of many of the ingredients, as they are relatively weak when compared to many other leading sleep aids. This means that the body will adjust quickly to the ingredients and the effectiveness of the product will taper off quickly. This is mirrored by many of the consumer complaints about the product, stating that it is effective at first, but quickly became unreliable.

The Price and Quality of Driftoff

The product can be purchased through both the product website and through other online vendors such as Amazon. One 60 capsule bottle sells for $21.04 plus shipping and handling on the manufacturer’s site. It appears that they do not attempt to sign users up for an auto-renewal plan of any kind, but they also do not seem to offer any sort of bundle deals for when multiple bottles are purchased at once.

The manufacturer also offers a 60-day money back guarantee, which should provide users with peace of mind regarding their purchase, knowing that if it is ineffective, it will not just be a sunk cost. The price of the product is relatively competitive with other sleep aids on the market, but the dosages it uses for many of its ingredients are not as strong as we would like to see in a quality sleep aid, and can explain why the manufacturer is able to sell it for an affordable price.

Business of Driftoff

Driftoff is manufactured and sold by a company by the name of Zhou Nutrition, a Florida-based producer of a variety of herbal supplements.

Here is the contact information we could find for the company online:

Address: Zhou, Inc., 5046 W Linebaugh Avenue, Tampa, FL 33624

Phone Number: 855-700-ZHOU

The manufacturer does not appear to maintain a page with the Better Business Bureau, and they are not currently involved in any lawsuits or litigation.

Customer Opinions of Driftoff

In addition to being sold through the product website, the product is also sold through other online vendors, such as Amazon. The Amazon page for the product features over 1,500 consumer reviews, so a good idea of its effectiveness can be determined. The reviews are mixed for the most part, with some people claiming it was effective in getting them to sleep, while others state that the effects were not noticeable.

Here are some of the consumer reviews that we could locate online:

“It worked the first night I took it, but after that it would get me to sleep for only a couple hours a night.”

“This product made me feel nauseous and I woke up groggy in the morning. I also had awful dreams while on it.”

“For the first couple of nights it worked, but gradually it became less effective and I was only getting a couple of hours of sleep a night.”

Conclusion – Does Driftoff Work?

Driftoff features some quality ingredients and an affordable price, along with a money back guarantee, so we can see how it could be appealing to potential consumers, but we have some concerns about the formula and consistency with which it performs.

The formula features a lot of ingredients that focus on relaxing the consumer’s mind and relieving anxieties and stresses, making it easier to fall asleep. Unfortunately, it seems there is a consistent issue with keeping the consumer asleep throughout the night, as many who used the product stated that it was effective at first, but soon they found themselves tossing and turning after an hour or two of peaceful sleep. The manufacturer has a very easy to read, and information heavy website, but they don’t seem to have much of a reputation in general on which to judge them, as they do not maintain a page with the BBB.

We would recommend finding a sleep aid that produces more consistent results, and stronger ingredient dosages.

As of this writing, Fenotrex is the top-rated sleep supplement on the market, due in large part to the positive response it has garnered from consumers, and it’s unique but effective blend of ingredients that make up its formula. The product can help you to get to sleep faster, sleep more peacefully, and have more energy when you wake.

Fenotrex features ingredients that have all been studied by independent third parties and found to be both safe and effective. Furthermore, the product is also produced in a GMP certified facility. If you would like to educate yourself further about Fenotrex and what it can potentially do for you and your sleep habits, then follow this link for more information.

Zhou Nutrition is a massive name in the supplement industry. They produce one of the best-selling nootropics of all time, Neuro-Peak, and they have recently expanded their range to include pretty much every supplement category you can think of. Driftoff is their specialist sleeping supplement. But what is it supposed to do exactly? Who is it aimed at?

Our thoughts on the Zhou Driftoff formula

While Zhou Driftoff does contain some effective sleep enhancers, it really doesn’t impress us.

We think Driftoff looks like a distinctly average sleep aid. It uses very basic ingredients, many of which lack sufficient scientific evidence for inclusion in a professional-quality sleep enhancer. Neither Valerian root nor passionflower have any valid studies backing them up. Chamomile has never been shown to have a meaningful effect on sleep in clinical settings.

That’s a lot of unproven ingredients for a premium supplement!

GABA is unable to properly cross the blood-brain barrier. Nor is it well absorbed in the gut; what is will be quickly used by the enteric nervous system anyway!

The same goes for 5-HTP; some of it gets through to the brain, but a lot of it doesn’t.

We do get a decent serving of Tryptophan, but we would rather Zhou cut out the 5-HTP and just doubled the dose of Tryptophan – the end results would be far greater as a result.

Driftoff does provide some melatonin. However, the dose is pretty low by today’s standards.

All-in-all, Zhou Driftoff is an unimpressive sleep aid.

We think many people will see real improvements in their sleeping patterns using Driftoff. But we also think the results will be minimal compared to what you can achieve with a more focused, powerful supplement.

Driftoff earned a thumbs-up in this category because its effectiveness rating is 2.53. A product’s effectiveness rating must be at least 1.5 to receive a thumbs-up in this area. This effectiveness rating means Driftoff is made up of high-quality ingredients and should lead to positive results.

Driftoff Detailed Report

The detailed report provides an in-depth analysis of the product’s rating. In addition to showing ratings for each area, this report also provides the required criteria for a thumbs-up in each section.

Effectiveness Rating

Driftoff earned a thumbs-up in this category because its effectiveness rating is 2.53. A product’s effectiveness rating must be at least 1.5 to receive a thumbs-up in this area. This effectiveness rating means Driftoff is made up of high-quality ingredients and should lead to positive results.

This category illustrates how well a product works based on what the research says about its ingredients. Researchers conduct studies on supplement ingredients to gauge effectiveness. The database grades products on how effective their ingredients are. The effectiveness rating of supplement products is evaluated on a 3 point scale: 3.0 is the most effective, 1.0 is the least effective.


Driftoff earned a thumbs-up in this category because it contains 0% extremely and/or moderately effective ingredients. A product must contain at least 75% extremely and/or moderately effective ingredients to receive a thumbs-up in this area.

This category rates a product’s ingredient makeup. A product should contain mostly extremely and/or moderately effective ingredients with little or no ineffective ones. The database categorizes ingredients as extremely, moderately, or ineffective based on conclusions from research articles.

  • unrated ingredients: 2 (the database does not contain information on these ingredients)
  • total ingredients: 8

The following table lists all ingredients found in this product as well as their effectiveness ratings and amounts (if listed).

Ingredient Effectiveness Rating
GABA 100mg 3 out of 3
Chamomile 100mg 3 out of 3
Lemon Balm Extract 100mg 2.9 out of 3
Tryptophan 100mg 2.2 out of 3
Melatonin 2mg 2.1 out of 3
Valerian 150mg 2 out of 3
Passion Flower Extract* not rated
Hops Extract* not rated
Product Effectiveness Rating 2.53

* These ingredients are not included in the Supplement Database.

Note: These ingredients are accurate as of March 24, 2021.

Ingredient Dosing

Driftoff earned a thumbs-down in this category because 33% of its ingredients are dosed within the effective range. Seventy-five (75)% of product’s ingredients must be dosed within the effective range to receive a thumbs-up in this area.

This category compares a product’s ingredient dosing to effective doses found in research articles and doses used in other products. When researchers study the efficacy of supplement ingredients, they use specific doses. Manufacturers should create products with ingredient doses that fall within established effective ranges.

Driftoff Dosing Compared to Research

This section is a comparison of ingredient doses found in Driftoff to amounts used in research articles. The first column contains the name of the ingredient as well as the amount. The second column contains the range of effective doses for that ingredient. Note: not all ingredients in the database contain dosing information; only ingredients with scientific dosing information are included in this analysis.

A green checkmark is shown if the ingredient amount falls within the effective range.

A down arrow is shown if an ingredient amount is lower than the effective range.

Ingredient & Amount Effective Range
Valerian 0.15g 0.16g – 1.06g
Chamomile 0.1g 6g
Lemon Balm Extract 0.1g 0.08g – 9g

Driftoff Dosing Compared to Other Products

This section is a comparison of ingredient doses found in Driftoff to amounts used in other products. The first column displays the ingredient and amount. The second column displays the average amount of the ingredient found across all products in the database. The final column displays the range found across all products in the database.

An orange up or down arrow is shown if the ingredient amount is higher or lower than the average.

An equal sign is shown if the ingredient amount is equal to the average.

Ingredient & Amount Average Range
Valerian 0.15g 0.26g 0.02g – 1g
GABA 0.1g 0.62g 0g – 3g
Tryptophan 0.1g 0.17g 0g – 1.5g
Chamomile 0.1g 0.18g 0.01g – 1.1g
Passion Flower Extract 0.1g 0.18g 0.02g – 1.5g
Lemon Balm Extract 100mg 208.8mg 25mg – 800mg
Hops Extract 100mg 113.81mg 50mg – 300mg
Melatonin 0g 0.05g 0g – 4g


Driftoff earned a thumbs-up in this category because 75% of its claims are rated as either extremely or moderately effective. Seventy-five (75)% of a product’s claims must be rated as extremely or moderately effective to receive a thumbs-up in this area.

The product’s effectiveness rating is an overall picture of how well a product does or doesn’t work. Individual studies research an ingredient’s effects on certain claims. For example: does creatine monohydrate increase strength, or does beta alanine improve running performance?

The Supplement Database compiles the conclusions of these studies, and based on a product’s ingredient makeup, calculates how well a product does on various claims. The claims below are organized by effectiveness (extremely, moderately, ineffective).

Like Magnesium, Zinc is a mineral, again with a wide range of proven and approved health benefits. We can get zinc from our diet, but some will find benefit from supplementation.