brainxl reviews

brainxl reviews

Касается каждого из нас, каждую секунду. С ночи четверга никто из украинцев не может спать, потому что вокруг сирены и взрывы. Тысячи семей должны были бросить свои родные города.
Снаряды попадают в наши жилые дома.

Мы не понимаем, что дает эта война вашей или нашей стране

Мы вряд ли найдем хоть одного человека на Земле, которому станет от нее лучше. Три тысячи ваших солдат, чьих-то детей, уже погибли за эти три дня. Мы не хотим этих смертей, но не можем не оборонять свою страну.

И мы все еще хотим верить, что вам так же жутко от этого безумия, которое остановило всю нашу жизнь.

Нам очень нужен ваш голос и смелость, потому что сейчас эту войну можете остановить только вы. Это страшно, но единственное, что будет иметь значение после – кто остался человеком.

“Это не война, а только спец. операция.”

Война – это вооруженный конфликт, цель которого – навязать свою волю: свергнуть правительство, заставить никогда не вступить в НАТО, отобрать часть территории, и другие. Обо всем этом открыто заявляет Владимир Путин в каждом своем обращении.

Все это время идет обстрел городов во всех областях Украины, вторые сутки украинские военные борются за Киев.

На карте Украины вы легко увидите, что Львов, Ивано-Франковск или Луцк – это больше 1,000 км от ЛНР и ДНР. Это другой конец страны. 25 февраля, 2022 – места попадания ракет

Касается каждого из нас, каждую секунду. С ночи четверга никто из украинцев не может спать, потому что вокруг сирены и взрывы. Тысячи семей должны были бросить свои родные города.
Снаряды попадают в наши жилые дома.

Больше 1,200 мирных людей ранены или погибли. Среди них много детей.
Под обстрелы уже попадали в детские садики и больницы.
Мы вынуждены ночевать на станциях метро, боясь обвалов наших домов.
Наши жены рожают здесь детей. Наши питомцы пугаются взрывов.

Нет более мотивированной армии чем та, что сражается за свою землю.
Мы на своей земле, и мы даем жесткий отпор каждому, кто приходит к нам с оружием.

Говорят в семье, с друзьями и на работе. Нас никогда и никак не притесняли.

Единственное, из-за чего мы хотим перестать говорить на русском сейчас – это то, что на русском лжецы в вашем правительстве приказали разрушить и захватить нашу любимую страну.

Сейчас у власти президент, за которого проголосовало три четверти населения Украины на свободных выборах в 2019 году. Как у любой власти, у нас есть оппозиция. Но мы не избавляемся от неугодных, убивая их или пришивая им уголовные дела.

У нас нет места диктатуре, и мы показали это всему миру в 2013 году. Мы не боимся говорить вслух, и нам точно не нужна ваша помощь в этом вопросе.

Украинские семьи потеряли больше 1,377,000 родных, борясь с нацизмом во время Второй мировой. Мы никогда не выберем нацизм, фашизм или национализм, как наш путь. И нам не верится, что вы сами можете всерьез так думать.

Украина никогда за всю историю не нападала на Россию и не хотела вам зла. Ваши войска напали на наши мирные города. Если вы действительно считаете, что для этого есть оправдание – нам жаль.

Мы не хотим ни минуты этой войны и ни одной бессмысленной смерти. Но мы не отдадим вам наш дом и не простим молчания, с которым вы смотрите на этот ночной кошмар.

Medium lighting would serve this species of brain coral well. Trachyphyllia coloration can vary somewhat based on the intensity and spectrum of lighting provided but is generally not dramatic.

Nuclear Waste Trachy Brain XL

Trachyphyllia Brain Coral Care

Trachyphyllia Brain Corals, sometimes called Open or Folded Brain Corals, come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. These slow growing semi-aggressive corals make excellent centerpieces and thrive in a wide range of conditions. Please see below for additional care tips for Trachyphyllia Brain Corals as well as checking out our Top 5 Tips for setting up a reef.


Trachyphyllia Brain Corals are found in the islands of the Indo-Pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. Our Trachys typically come from Australia.


Medium lighting would serve this species of brain coral well. Trachyphyllia coloration can vary somewhat based on the intensity and spectrum of lighting provided but is generally not dramatic.

Low Light

Low light translates to about 30-50 PAR

Medium Light

Medium Light is between 50-150 PAR

High Light

High Light is anything over 150 PAR

Lighting is a loaded topic, so for a more in-depth discussion of lighting, please see our Deep Dive article.

Water Flow

We recommend keeping the coral in an area of the tank with medium to moderate flow. High flow is not recommended as feeding can be difficult.


Like most coral, Trachyphyllia Brain Corals rely to a large extent on the products of their zooxanthellae, however, in our experience, they also benefit from direct feeding. There are a variety of frozen fish foods available that make outstanding meals for Favia. We like to feed a mixture of meaty foods such as shrimp, fish, and squid with vitamin additives and highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). The size of the food must be small enough that the polyp can fully ingest it.

A Word of Warning

Trachyphyllia Brain Corals are one of the corals that can extend sweeper tentacles. Sweeper tentacles are often used as a means of defense against other encroaching coral colonies. Their white tips contain a concentration of nematcysts that can damage more delicate tank mates. Space should be provided between these corals and their neighbors.


In terms of propagation, this genus has been successfully fragmented however care should be taken not to damage the individual polyps as recovery time can be long.


Proper acclimation is extremely important considering the stress imposed on the animals by the shipping process. Please take a moment to review our Acclimation Guide.


The images were taken with a Canon 5D mk II and 100mm macro lens under T5 Fluorescent lighting. Quite a lot goes into how we go about shooting the corals and anemones you see on Tidal Gardens. For an in-depth look at our methods, check out our comprehensive Reef Aquarium Photography FAQ.

Jiang, Y. et al. SOD1 nanozyme with reduced toxicity and MPS accumulation. J. Control. Release 231, 38–49 (2016).

Data availability

The authors declare that the main data supporting the findings of this study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information. The raw data generated for the RNA-seq analysis are available from the NCBI SRA database under the accession code PRJNA668337. The metabolomic dataset generated during the study is too large (2.3 GB) to be publicly shared, but the data are available for research purposes from the corresponding authors on reasonable request.

Is it possible to feel better–and make it last?

Community Reviews

Are you struggling with negative thoughts, anxiety, or stress? Are you looking for a holistic method to improve your thought life and your health? Dr. Daniel Amen has a plan to help in Feel Better Fast and Make It Last.

Feel Better Fast and Make It Last from the "brain doctor" uses what Dr. Amen calls the BRAIN-XL approach. This is an acronym for the program that Dr. Amen recommends for lasting change. B is for Brain. In this section, Dr. Amen shares both short and long-term techniques for healin Are you struggling with negative thoughts, anxiety, or stress? Are you looking for a holistic method to improve your thought life and your health? Dr. Daniel Amen has a plan to help in Feel Better Fast and Make It Last.

Feel Better Fast and Make It Last from the “brain doctor” uses what Dr. Amen calls the BRAIN-XL approach. This is an acronym for the program that Dr. Amen recommends for lasting change. B is for Brain. In this section, Dr. Amen shares both short and long-term techniques for healing your thought life and making lasting changes. R stands for Rational Mind. In this section, Dr. Amen helps readers learn to conquer worry and negativity so they feel happier. Part 3 is the letter A for Attachments where Dr. Amen gives advice for improving relationships and eliminating relationship hurts. I stands for Inspiration and in section 4, Dr. Amen helps readers learn to live with passion and purpose and to avoid depression. N stands for Nourishment. In this section, Dr. Amen discusses which foods help you feel better and how to get the nutrients your body needs so you can be at your best. In Part 6, Dr. Amen talks about the X factor. In this section, readers learn 10 practical ways to think differently based on the results of over 150,000 brain scans that Dr. Amen has researched. The last section is L for Love. In this section, Dr. Amen talks about how important it is to do the right thing as the “ultimate act of love for self and others.”

Feel Better Fast and Make it Last also has two appendixes in which Dr. Amen answers common questions about finding more help and a quick mental health check up to help guide readers to the type of help they need.

I enjoy reading health-related books and I have read a few of Dr. Amen’s books. I appreciate that he writes clearly, but not above those of us who aren’t doctors, so everyone can understand him. I like that this book has ideas for ways to help yourself feel better quickly and it also has ways to help yourself long term. It is well-organized and easy to follow from beginning to end. It isn’t a quick read as there is a lot of information in this book, but it is worth the time to read if you are struggling. I also like that he shares stories about real people, about people in the Bible, and about things most of us can relate to like the movie, Pollyanna. Implementing these changes not only causes the reader to feel better faster, but I think they improve relationships too. I have already seen some of the short-term changes work. I also like that Dr. Amen’s program are holistic–he encourages people to work on improving through changing thoughts, having a good spiritual life, eating better, exercising and improving relationships. I think it would be a good book to do in a group to encourage each other to make the changes–and to share the positive results. I would recommend it to everyone. I received an advance copy for review. Right now this book is available for pre-order and will be released on November 13, 2018.

I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. . more

Amen, a popular psychiatrist and brain-imaging researcher and the founder of Amen Clinics, understands how critical it is to help patients feel better both quickly and long-term. Using the mnemonic BRAIN-XL, Amen demonstrates a specific plan for improving emotional health.

Renowned Brain-Imaging Researcher and Founder of Amen Clinics to Release New Book with Tyndale Momentum

Tyndale House Publishers (@tyndalehouse) announced today that Dr. Daniel Amen will publish Feel Better Fast and Make It Last, his second release with Tyndale Momentum following 2017’s groundbreaking Memory Rescue. In his new book, scheduled for a hard street date of November 13, 2018, Amen unlocks the healing power of the brain to overcome painful emotions. The book’s release will include a significant marketing budget as well as a national media tour.

Amen, a popular psychiatrist and brain-imaging researcher and the founder of Amen Clinics, understands how critical it is to help patients feel better both quickly and long-term. Using the mnemonic BRAIN-XL, Amen demonstrates a specific plan for improving emotional health.

Amen writes that it’s normal to experience challenging emotions, but how people respond to these challenges will make all the difference in how they feel—not just immediately, but also in the long run. In our society, many turn to self-medicating behaviors, such as overeating, drugs, alcohol, or risky sexual behavior, while others spend excessive time on TV, video games, Internet surfing, or shopping. Even though these behaviors may provide temporary relief, they often prolong and exacerbate the problems—or cause other, more serious ones.

In Feel Better Fast and Make It Last, readers will discover new, powerful brain-based strategies to quickly gain control over negative emotions, strengthening resilience and discovering joy and purpose for a lifetime.

Amen states, “If you’re like me, when you hurt, you want to feel better now, fast, pronto! During my psychiatric training I had a wonderful supervisor, Dr. Jack McDermott, who was a world leader in psychiatry. In his evaluation of me at the end of the year he wrote, ‘Dr. Amen is a bright, competent, and caring physician, who will make a wonderful psychiatrist; but he needs to be more patient. He wants people to get better fast.’ Then and now, I don’t see wanting people to get better quickly as a problem. That is what people who are in pain want. No one wants to be patient. No one wants a prolonged process. They want to feel better fast, and they want that feeling to last.”

Regarding this acquisition, executive publisher Jan Long Harris states, “We’ve all felt anxious, sad, stressed, angry, or hopeless at some point in life. In this new book, Dr. Amen shares the latest brain-based strategies for gaining control over painful emotions and replacing them with sustained positive feelings. It’s a privilege to work with him to help get the word out that it’s possible to feel happier, more optimistic, more joyful and resilient—both now and in the future.”

The Washington Post has called Dr. Amen the most popular psychiatrist in America, and Sharecare named him the web’s #1 most influential expert and advocate on mental health. Dr. Amen is a physician, double board–certified psychiatrist, 10-time New York Times bestselling author, and international speaker. He is the founder of Amen Clinics in Costa Mesa, Encino, and San Francisco, California; Bellevue, Washington; Reston, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; New York, New York; and Chicago, Illinois. Amen Clinics have one of the highest published success rates treating complex psychiatric issues, and they have built the world’s largest database of functional brain scans, totaling more than 150,000 scans on patients from 120 countries.

Dr. Amen is the lead researcher on the world’s largest brain imaging and rehabilitation study of professional football players. His research has not only demonstrated high levels of brain damage in players but also shown the possibility of significant recovery for many with the principles that underlie his work.

Together with Pastor Rick Warren and Mark Hyman, MD, Dr. Amen is also one of the chief architects of Saddleback Church’s Daniel Plan, a program to get the world healthy through religious organizations.

Dr. Amen is the author or coauthor of more than 70 professional articles, seven book chapters, and more than 30 books, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers The Daniel Plan and Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; as well as Magnificent Mind at Any Age; Change Your Brain, Change Your Body; Use Your Brain to Change Your Age; Healing ADD; The Brain Warrior’s Way; and The Brain Warrior’s Way Cookbook.

Dr. Amen has written, produced, and hosted 12 popular shows about the brain on public television. He has appeared in movies, including After the Last Round and The Crash Reel, and in Emmy-winning television shows, such as The Truth about Drinking and The Dr. Oz Show. He was a consultant on the movie Concussion, starring Will Smith.

We have all suffered one form of loss or another, many have struggled with anxiety, depression, trauma, grief or hopelessness. This book gives us practical tips to feel better and how to make it last.

My Recommendations

This book is relevant to everyone. We all have moments of pain, anxiety, sadness, anger, fear, worry or grief. Having such tools to help you get through your situation is invaluable.

It is comforting to know that if need be, you are able to pull yourself back from the depth of any negative emotion and if you cannot do it on your own, you know where to go for help.

You may also enjoy a Guest post I did on Louise Pistole’s website; Interesting ways to keep your brain young and healthy.