Arthro 7 Reviews

Turmeric can reduce inflammation within the joint, which could reduce or eliminate pain in some individuals. Vitamin C may prevent cartilage loss while stopping bothersome symptoms from becoming worse over time.

13 Arthro 7 Pros and Cons

Arthro 7 is a joint health support supplement which is often sold directly from the manufacturer. It contains a proprietary blend of seven different ingredients to improve joint mobility, relieve discomfort, and nourish the cartilage. Some people report experiencing results from taking this supplement in as little as 2 weeks.

The 7 ingredients used for Arthro 7 include Vitamin C, MSM, Lipase, Turmeric, Bromelain, CMO, and Chicken collagen.

If you are struggling with joint discomfort, or it is painful to move, then this supplement might be helpful. Before taking anything new, be sure to speak with your doctor about what is going on and why you want to start taking this product.

Then you’ll be able to discuss these Arthro 7 pros and cons in relation to what they’d mean for your personal health.

List of the Pros of Arthro 7

1. It is a product which is backed by clinical research.
Arthro 7 was researched using a double-blind, placebo-controlled 12-week clinical study. There were 64 patients involved with the study, all of whom had mobility issues. For those who were in the Arthro-7 group, almost 75% reported symptom improvement during the study. In the placebo group, only 16% of people stated that they had seen a benefit from taking the supplement. Most of the people who experienced a reduction in discomfort experienced results in 14 days or less.

2. It can be taken if you have a shellfish allergy.
Most joint health supplements contain glucosamine. Although that ingredient does help to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and similar conditions, it is usually sourced from shellfish products. With Arthro 7, no glucosamine is used to create symptom reduction. Chicken collagen is used instead. That means someone with a shellfish food allergy can take this supplement with confidence.

3. It comes with a money-back guarantee if you purchase through an authorized provider.
The makers of Arthro 7 stand behind their product with a 60-day money-back guarantee on your purchase. If you are not satisfied with the results that the supplement provides for your health, then return the opened bottle for a full refund. If you purchased a multiple-month supply, you are permitted to return one opened bottle only. The other bottles must have been never opened for the guarantee to apply.

4. It is free from other contaminants.
If you choose to take Arthro 7 for joint health, then you are taking a product that is drug-free and gluten-free. When combined with its lack of shellfish products, it creates an opportunity to take a pure supplement which can provide health benefits. The other ingredients to stabilize the supplement include gelatin, titanium dioxide, and magnesium stearate, which all come together to help form the foundation of help that this product is designed to provide.

5. It can be included in an auto-shipping program.
If you forget to purchase your supplements on time, then bothersome symptoms might return in the couple of days it takes you to get another supply. With Arthro 7, many of the providers who offer this product allow you to schedule it as part of an automatic purchasing and shipping program. Although this option doesn’t come from the manufacturer, you can find it online. Just beware that programs like these tend to be more expensive than if you bought the product on your own.

6. It offers ingredients with a proven track record of success.
If you search the ingredients that are included in Arthro 7 individually, then you will find that each offers a proven potential benefit.

MSM can reduce swelling in pain within a joint, as well as improve functionality when an osteoarthritis diagnosis has been made. Collage reduces tenderness and joint pain over time. CMO may improve joint range of motion while decreasing pain.

Turmeric can reduce inflammation within the joint, which could reduce or eliminate pain in some individuals. Vitamin C may prevent cartilage loss while stopping bothersome symptoms from becoming worse over time.

List of the Cons of Arthro 7

1. It is meant to be taken as a continuous daily supplement.
You must continue to take Arthro 7 to experience the benefits in symptom reduction that it provides. It does not create a healing action within the body. Instead, it offers a supplemental form of needed items by the body to support comfortable joint action. That means you must take two doses of this supplement every day to maximize your results. Under its current pricing structure, that means you’ll pay about $30 to $50 for a one-month supply or $55 to $80 for a two-month supply of this joint supplement. Some providers offer a 3-month supply for $100.

2. It cannot be taken by vegetarians or vegans.
Because the collagen provided by Arthro 7 is sourced from chicken products, people who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle cannot take this product. Although it eliminates one common food allergy from its ingredient list, this issue creates a different market exclusion. If you’re allergic to shellfish and you follow one of these lifestyle choices, you still can’t take this product.

3. It does not provide a guarantee that it will work.
Out of 400+ reviews that are available for this product on Amazon, about 10% of them are 1-star reviews. Almost every single 1-star review states that the product didn’t work for them within the promised timeframe. Descriptions offered include statements such as, “It didn’t make me feel any different,” or “You must have sent me a bottle of placebos.” As with any supplement or medication, there is no guarantee that it will work. That is why purchasing it through an authorized party to take advantage of the money-back option is to your advantage.

4. It may cause a stinging sensation in some people.
If you have experienced a joint injury and that is the source of your discomfort, then Arthro 7 might not be the right choice. This product works best when combating the effects of age-related joint degradation. It also supports symptom relief for people who have arthritis or similar conditions. Old injuries sometimes respond to this product by stinging, like when you’d rub an alcohol pad over a cut to clean it. If you experience this sensation while taking the product, you should stop immediately and speak with your doctor.

5. It may require a double dose to be effective for some people.
With Arthro 7, the supplement dosage is designed for individuals who have a BMI that is the normal range. It may still be effective for people who are overweight. If you are medically classified as being obese, however, you may need to take up to 4 pills per day for this product to be effective. If that is the case, then you will end up paying twice as much for the supplement, which may not be possible with the household budget.

6. It offers a poor flavor.
To be fair, most medications and supplements do not taste wonderful when you take them. The goal is to swallow the pills, tablets, or capsules as quickly as possible. The flavor tones of Arthro 7 are particularly noticeable, however, because of the inclusion of chicken collagen. It may not be a deal-breaker for some people, especially if they can swallow the supplement right away. If one gets stuck though, you’re going to be stuck with a flavor that is difficult to remove.

7. It offers potential side effects that are not often discussed.
Arthro 7 is listed as offering side effects which offer a severe expression of symptoms if they are experienced. Although classified as rare, this supplement may cause an abnormal heart rhythm, heart problems, red blood in bowel movements, or worsening of asthma symptoms. There is an increased risk of bleeding associated with this supplement, reduced kidney function, and a hypersensitivity to other drugs being taken.

It may also cause you to feel like you’ll throw up, increase heartburn, create tinnitus, and irritate your intestines or your stomach.

These Arthro 7 pros and cons present a realistic picture of what to expect if you begin to take this supplement. It provides a reliable outcome for many, promotes less discomfort when active, and is promoted as being suitable for all ages. Although the concentration of ingredients is not disclosed to customers, it is a highly reviewed product on multiple sales platforms, which makes it worth a stronger look.

Anyway, you have nothing to lose since the manufacturer offers a 100% refund in case you’re not satisfied.

About Arthro-7

US Doctors’ Clinical Arthro-7 is a clinically-proven dietary supplement that claims to promote and maintain joint health.

It consists of key ingredients that nourish the joints and cartilage to help improve joint strength, mobility, and flexibility. It is said to get rid of joint discomforts in as fast as two weeks.

US Doctors’ Clinical, as the name suggests, is a US-based manufacturer of health supplements. They claim to produce the best nutritional supplements in the market and that they have a team of dedicated health professionals to help them with that.

Apart from joint health products like Arthro-7 they also have other formulas for the brain, eyes, heart, prostate health, lung, gut, kidney, bladder, and bone.

*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.



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*All the prices listed here are as they appear on their websites and are subject to change.

Arthro-7 is a revolutionary supplement that might be used in soothing and relieving joint pain. Joints are held in place by tendons, cartilage, and ligaments that are made of collagen. The supplement may work by ensuring that your body has flexible and robust cartilage, ligaments, and tendons to support a wide range of motion.

How Does Arthro-7 Work?

Arthro-7 is a revolutionary supplement that might be used in soothing and relieving joint pain. Joints are held in place by tendons, cartilage, and ligaments that are made of collagen. The supplement may work by ensuring that your body has flexible and robust cartilage, ligaments, and tendons to support a wide range of motion.

It may also lubricate joints to aid mobility while providing enzymes that promote healthy circulation of enzymes to help support them. The ingredients are carefully combined to create synergy and offer joint nourishment and soothe painful joints, and prevent the joint from having complications in the future.

MSM: The common name for methylsulfonylmethane, MSM has become a popular ingredient in joint health supplements for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and skin-healing properties. MSM is an organic sulfur derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as animal milk.

Arthro-7 Review: Don’t Buy Before You Read This!

What is it?

Arthro 7 is a natural joint health dietary supplement that claims to aid in mobility, relieve joint pain, and promote overall joint and cartilage health. According to their website they have sold over eight million units and clinical trials demonstrate that their product has shown results in less than two weeks.

Our independent panel of researchers currently list Flexitrinol as the most effective joint health supplement on the market.

Their proprietary blend works to help the body build cartilage and synovial fluid instead of just masking the symptons of joint decay. For more information about the benefits of Flexitrinol, click here.

Arthro 7 Ingredients and Side Effects

Unlike some brands on the market today, Arthro 7 does make their complete ingredients list available online, and even includes dosage information for some entries. Their blend includes:

Vitamin C Chicken-derived Collagen CMO Lipase 30
Turmeric Bromelian Gelatin MSM

Vitamin C: One of the main building blocks of the human body, vitamin C is essential for a number of functions, including joint and overall immune health. Doctors currently recommend that everyone get at least 75mg of Vitamin C a day, however they also caution that taking more than 95mg a day can be detrimental to joint and bone health. Arthro 7 contains 140mg of vitamin C and their label recommends at least two pills a day. This is over triple the maximum doctor recommended dosage and that much daily vitamin C can lead to increased joint and bone pain, and long term it can contribute to the formation of bone spurs.

Chicken-derived Collagen: Collagen is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body and is a component of skin, joint, and bone health. There are several potential side effects that have been attributed to collagen supplements including:

  • Allergic reaction: Collagen is derived from animal sources, so individual that have allergies to those specific animals may be affected. Arthro 7 is derived from chicken, so consumers with poultry sensitivity may be at risk.
  • Lingering aftertaste: Some collagen users have experienced a strange aftertaste for approximately 30-60 minutes after ingestion.
  • Decreased Appetite

CMO: Short for cetyl myristoleate, CMO is a well-known anti-inflammatory and joint lubricant. It currently has no known side effects.

Lipase 30: A naturally occurring enzyme that the body uses to help with digestion and fat processing. Doctors believe that lipase is safe for most people, however it should be avoided by pregnant or breast-feeding women and anyone diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Some side effects have been known to occur when taking lipase, including:

  • Nausea
  • Cramping
  • Diarrhea

MSM: Also known as methylsulfonylmethane or dimethyl sulfone, MSM is a chemical found in green plants and certain fruits. It has been shown to be beneficial for osteoarthritis, joint health, and immune function and is safe for most users.

Turmeric: The main spice found in curry, turmeric also has a number of health benefits associated with it. It’s known as a blood thinner, mood enhancer, and, most important to joint health, an anti-inflammatory. While turmeric has been a culinary staple in many cultures for centuries, the medical community is just beginning to understand the extent of its effects. Side effects of turmeric are rare but can happen in cases of allergic reaction or excessive consumption. They may include:

  • Intestinal discomfort such as cramping, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Increased activity in the gallbladder and liver.
  • Increased bleeding risk, especially for those already taking blood thinners or anti-coagulates.
  • Hypotension (lowered blood pressure).
  • Increased menstrual flow in women.

Bromelian: A blend of enzymes derived from pineapples that aid in indigestion, reduce inflammation, and has been used to help patients that are recovering from wounds, burns, and surgical procedures.

Gelatin: An animal-derived protein containing collagen – a basic component of cartilage and joint tissue. Gelatin is also thought to strengthen bones, fingernails, and hair. Gelatin is thought to be POSSIBLY SAFE (for non-vegans), and the only known side effects include:

  • Bloating and heaviness in the stomach
  • Heartburn
  • Belching

MSM: The common name for methylsulfonylmethane, MSM has become a popular ingredient in joint health supplements for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and skin-healing properties. MSM is an organic sulfur derived from fruits, vegetables, and grains, as well as animal milk.

It is helpful to the consumer that such a complete list of ingredients is available, although some of them are additives that in general our experts recommend against.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven joint pain pill such as Flexitrinol for better results.

Arthro 7 Quality of Ingredients
  • Vitamin C is important for our bodies and our experts strongly recommend eating a diet that is high in vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruit.

If you do not feel you are getting enough vitamin C in your diet, they advise a small dosage in supplemental form, however those concerned about joint and bone care should avoid overdoing it because it can start having the reverse effect.

Too much vitamin C can lead to bone overgrowth, joint pain, and bone spurs. Arthro 7 has 125 mg of vitamin C per dose – far more than is recommended by most medical professionals.

  • Lipase 30, MSM and CMO are amongst the most frequent additives to joint health and repair supplements. As they are newer products commercially, it is wise for consumers to proceed slowly until they know how their body will respond.
The Price and Quality of Arthro 7

Most consumers report positive results from Arthro 7, although there are several complaints online that claim it was not effective in relieving their joint issues. The most common complaint that customers have is with how expensive it is and how much you have to take. Consumers reported needing 4-6 pills a day in order to see results, which for many became cost prohibitive.

Business of Name of Product

Arthro 7 is a property of US Doctors Clinical, a nutritional supplements company that also manufactures products for circulatory support, immune health, weight management, and other uses.

Phone Number: (888) 586-4787

Address: 15568 Brookhurst St. Ste. 374

Westminster, CA 92683

They also have a customer contact form that can be filled out on their website.

US Doctors Clinical has an A- rating with the Better Business Bureau and there have been four complaints against their business in the last year. There do not seem to be any outstanding legal actions against US Doctors Clinical at this time.

Customer Opinions of Name of Product

Reviews are mostly positive, though there are some mixed reactions reported online. The most frequent complaints are these:

“Took the pills for a month and I still have pain while walking and standing.”

“Asked for a refund on over $100 worth of pills but just got ignored by customer service until I filed a formal complaint”

“It’s so expensive and you have to take so many pills – I quit taking them because it was impossible for me to keep up.”

How Does Arthro-7 Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Good Company Reputation
  • Quality Ingredients
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • Flexitrinol (Editor’s Choice)
  • 97/100
Conclusion – Does Name of Product Work?

In order for our experts to recommend a nutritional supplement, they feel it must have a few key qualities. Supplements must be:

  • Safe for every day use
  • Effective for their advertised purpose
  • Affordable for most consumers

While Arthro 7 has shown that it is frequently (though not always) an effective aid to joint health, the inclusion of bromelian and the excessively high quantity of vitamin C mean that our experts cannot recommend it for daily use. Additionally, the high cost could very easily be a hindrance for many consumers, especially those on fixed incomes.

Our experts have compiled a list of the top-quality joint health supplements currently available, and according to their metrics Flexitrinol is currently the highest-rated supplement on the market. Flexitrinol has been shown to be safe for consumers and the most positive results relative to its cost of any product they’ve studied Click here to learn more about how Flexitrinol helps improve joint function, flexibility, and mobility.