AndroTest Reviews

AndroTest’s formulation is based on many years of extensive research and product development, and has been subjected to strict independent clinical testing, which it has passed with flying colors. Really, that’s the difference. You can read above for the details of that 4-week, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, AndroTest-specific study. Any manufacturer can make claims about its products. But if you look high and low through their ad copy and can find no scientific documentation — about the ingredients generally or that specific product itself — than those claims are just that — claims.

TRUSTED by Men Everywhere Seeking Lasting, Youthful Power, Vitality, and Well-Being

For men, testosterone production is the wellspring of the good life — peak performance, physique, vitality, and overall wellness. And testosterone production, like any other bodily process essential to excellent health, CAN be naturally supported and maximized.

Enter AndroTest, the advanced science of natural testosterone enhancement. AndroTest® is a different kind of testosterone-support technology, one that works naturally and sustainably to support and optimize your own ongoing natural production of free and total testosterone.

The culmination of years of research and development efforts into manufacturing a genuine alternative to short-term, sometimes harmful synthetic treatments, AndroTest® contains a clinically indicated dosage of a highly processed and refined, protodioscin-rich botanical super compound key to activating the production of luteinizing hormone, which ultimately stimulates production of testosterone. AndroTest® is changing the lives of men across America.

If AndroTest delivers on this promise, then this would be a product of great interest for men who may find it harder to gather up the energy to work out and exercise, not feel as youthful as they once did, and who are lacking in sexual interest.

Overview Of AndroTest

The makers of the product we are taking a look at today make some pretty claims about it. It may be based on specific clinical trials done on some of the ingredients in the formula. The main claim is, AndroTest may raise testosterone levels.

If AndroTest delivers on this promise, then this would be a product of great interest for men who may find it harder to gather up the energy to work out and exercise, not feel as youthful as they once did, and who are lacking in sexual interest.

AndroTest is marketed as an ultra-bioactive supplement that may help improve a man’s overall health. The ingredients may be useful and scientifically tested. There are few reliable AndroTest Reviews, so we felt it necessary to go into greater detail with this product than anyone has up to now.

Finally, after more than 50 years of testosterone enhancement research, it appears scientists may have discovered the first truly effective compound for enhancing natural testosterone production. By isolating a full-spectrum protodioscin-rich compound from a rare plant native to Bulgaria, researchers have found a method for directly stimulating the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is a direct precursor to testosterone. LH secretion is the mechanism by which the body stimulates testosterone production, meaning increases in LH translate directly to increases in testosterone. While scientists have, in the past, attempted to manipulate natural testosterone levels via protodioscin derived from botanical sources, it had always proved impossible to extract and purify these compounds in sufficient quantities and potencies. This is where researchers claim to have made a major breakthrough. By developing an extraction process that can economically produce highly potent protodioscin-rich compounds, scientists have finally discovered a way to bring this advanced technology to within reach of the average consumer.

Scientific Breakthrough May Hold the Key to Combating Low Testosterone Levels

According to a 2006 study from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging, approximately 39% of men over the age of 45 suffer from hypoandrogenism, also known as low testosterone levels. Of this 39%, it has been estimated that only about 5-35% of men are actually treated for their condition. The most likely factor in the reluctance of men to seek treatment for low testosterone is the lack of safe and effective methods of treatment. Combine this with the number of men who simply have yet to be diagnosed with low-t, and you have a substantial percentage of the male population that are forced to live with the symptoms of low-testosterone on a daily basis. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the symptoms of low-testosterone, they can range anywhere from mild to truly debilitating, and can include things like low energy, poor sex drive, and steep declines in muscle mass.

With such high prevalence and severe symptoms, there is no question why, over the past several decades, major pharmaceutical companies have devoted millions of dollars towards research directed at finding an effective cure for low testosterone. So far these efforts have yielded nothing more than the same risky synthetic testosterone replacement treatments that doctors continue to prescribe today. New research now suggests that the reason these pharmaceutical manufacturers have seen such little success in the field of testosterone enhancement research is because their efforts have largely been aimed in the wrong direction. Rather than replacing declining testosterone with synthetic forms (the primary mechanism of action for most prescription treatments) science has begun to show that natural testosterone production enhancement holds far more promise as an effective form of treatment. By augmenting the body’s own ability to produce natural testosterone, natural testosterone boosters avoid all of the potential side effects of synthetic hormone based medications. Most importantly, these natural forms of treatment support your body’s ability to produce testosterone, rather than damaging it like synthetic forms often do. Unfortunately, up until recently, researchers had been unable to develop a natural testosterone booster capable of ramping up hormone production by clinically significant levels.

Finally, after more than 50 years of testosterone enhancement research, it appears scientists may have discovered the first truly effective compound for enhancing natural testosterone production. By isolating a full-spectrum protodioscin-rich compound from a rare plant native to Bulgaria, researchers have found a method for directly stimulating the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is a direct precursor to testosterone. LH secretion is the mechanism by which the body stimulates testosterone production, meaning increases in LH translate directly to increases in testosterone. While scientists have, in the past, attempted to manipulate natural testosterone levels via protodioscin derived from botanical sources, it had always proved impossible to extract and purify these compounds in sufficient quantities and potencies. This is where researchers claim to have made a major breakthrough. By developing an extraction process that can economically produce highly potent protodioscin-rich compounds, scientists have finally discovered a way to bring this advanced technology to within reach of the average consumer.

Those involved in the development of this new testosterone enhancement technology acknowledge the abundance of unsubstantiated claims found throughout the industry. They say it’s this lack of substantiation from several test boosting products that prompted them to engage in extensive clinical research. Researchers worked with an independent medical institution to conduct a brand-specific, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical study on the only product available that uses this technology, AndroTest from ProSource Performance Products. The results of this study certainly give hope to those men currently suffering from low-testosterone. After just 4-weeks of use, participants taking AndroTest as part of the study saw an average increase in free testosterone of 59.75% over baseline, and an average increase in total testosterone of 59.88% over baseline. Some participants even saw increases in free testosterone that reached as high as 218%. Increases of this magnitude are certainly significant enough to warrant the attention of anyone seeking to increase their natural testosterone levels.

The availability of the potent testosterone-enhancing compound in AndroTest, and the results of relevant studies have quickly become the talk of the health and nutrition industry. Even those who were initially skeptical of AndroTest’s efficacy have now conceded that it appears to be the real deal, the first truly effective means of boosting natural testosterone levels. One such skeptic was Dr. Richard Kreider, Professor and Chair of the Department of Health, Human Performance, & Recreation at Baylor University and Director of the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Lab and Center for Exercise, Nutrition and Preventive Health. However, after doing a little more research, and experiencing AndroTest for himself, Dr. Kreider had this to say:

“When I was asked to look at AndroTest, I asked, as I always do, to see the data. When I began reviewing results of the clinical trials, I was impressed enough to add it to my training and supplementation program. I’m now experiencing gains in strength and muscle mass I haven’t felt in over 20 years. AndroTest is the only supplement of its kind that actually has enough of the active nutrient, protodioscin, to seemingly make a difference. Nearly all of the studies that have previously been conducted in this category had protodioscin levels of 1-2%, not 40% as seen in AndroTest. The AndroTest study is the first study I’m aware of that has shown that protodioscin supplementation can promote meaningful increases in free and total testosterone.”

Dr. Krieder is far from alone in his opinion on the effectiveness of AndroTest. Dr. Dwayne N. Jackson, professor and scientist in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at The University of Western Ontario, also decided to try AndroTest for himself in order to assess whether or not it lived up to the hype. After using Androtest Dr. Jackson says, “In week two, my total-testosterone and free-testosterone further increased by over 80% and 55% (respectively) of already high baselines. The magnitude of these increases is well above the threshold needed to promote very significant improvements in muscle development and strength”. This represents just a sample of the praise that the scientific community has bestowed upon AndroTest since its release.

Only time will tell if AndroTest truly represents the key for improving low-testosterone that middle-aged men have long sought, but if the reaction of the scientific community is any indication, it at least represents a major step forward. As sales of the product continue to increase at, the consensus among consumers regarding AndroTest seems to be overwhelmingly positive. In fact, according to internal data provided by, AndroTest has rapidly become their top-selling product, thanks in large part to an incredibly high reorder rate. However its legacy is ultimately defined, AndroTest is a product that certainly has the potential to affect the landscape of the entire industry.